Page 19 of Break Me

It’s Rayn and me.

And it’s exactly how it was meant to happen.

“I love you too,” I tell him. “By the way.”

Rayn smiles.

We kiss again as he pushes in and out of my body.

Closer than I’ve ever been with another human being.

And I savor him.

I open my eyes and watch Rayn’s face.

The ecstasy there.

And I feel the small waves of sensation creep up my body.

“Rayn,” I whisper, gripping my fingers into his skin.

“Lennon,” he whispers back.

And we break.

I think we break open together.

I feel the waves swell and crash until they finally settle.

And it’s incredible.

It’s more than incredible.

It’s everything.

Rayn rests beside me and kisses my forehead.

“How are you?” he asks.

“I’m amazing,” I tell him. “And you?”

“I’m so happy,” he says. “And that’s a nice change.”

I kiss him on his lips.

The spiky ball of hatred is gone now.

In its place?

A glowing red light.

I think it’s love.

I think it’s good.

I never saw it coming.
