Page 20 of Break Me

Six Months Later


If you’d told me seven months ago that we would be in the National Championship, I would have laughed in your face.

If you’d told me that I would have a girlfriend sitting in the stands cheering me on, I would have called you a cab to the psychiatric ward.

These last six months have been life-changing.

When I finally fixed things with Lennon, it was like the whole world fell into place.

She came back on as my tutor, and I finally got back to passing grades, which meant I got back to extra practice.

I straightened out in regular practice, too.

Somehow, my love for Lennon made me an evenbetterplayer.

Our team took off.

We couldn’t be beaten.

The sports commentators and analyzers couldn’t figure it out.

Coach wanted me tested for PEDs.

I told him to go right ahead.

Lennon was the only PED that I needed.

So here we are, at the National Championship.

It’s just my first of many chances to become a legend.

I’m in the talks for the Heisman.

And maybe?

I could be NFL bound in the next year or two.

It’s all happening.

And it’s all thanks to Lennon.

I tell Lennon to meet me at the bus to see me off. I don’t care if the guys give me shit for it.

She shows up with her hair in a high ponytail like she knows I like it.

“You ready?” she asks me.

“You’re going to be there, right?” I ask her.

“I’ll be the loudest one in the stadium,” she assures me.

“Then, I’m more than ready,” I tell her. I kiss her slowly, not caring who sees. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Mr. Heisman.”

I swipe a stray hair from her face. “I’m going to marry you one day, you know that right?”