Page 90 of Game Plan

“No, but I want to be.”

“Babe, I want that too. Fuck, I’ve pictured it many times, but it’s not worth the physical risk to you, or the heartbreak. There are other ways. We don’t need to mix DNA to have a family.”

He couldn’t have said anything more perfect.

“The problems I had before weren’t mine. They were…his.” Telling twisted at her gut. Like a betrayal, as though she was blaming Scott for something beyond his control. Wrong or right, it was also a huge relief. “I’m fully capable of carrying a child to term without issue, just not his.”

Understanding flashed in Mason’s eyes. “Dylan?”

“Isn’t Scott’s.”

“Does he know?”

“We chose the donor together, one with the closest physical attributes. But Dylan doesn’t know—he may never. Nobody else knows, either. Not family members, not close friends. Only the medical staff, Scott, me, and now…you.”

“Fuck, that’s…”

“Too much?”

“No. Not even close.” His palms were warm and assuring, cradling her face. “Thank you for trusting me.” He kissed her, sweetness laced with spicier intent. A slow roll of his hips brought his cock tight to her body. A knock on the door, waiting for an answer. “Are you sure about this? We have time, I’m not going anywhere, I promise you.”

She hooked her legs around his back, her arms around his neck, and pulled him in. He settled there, buried as deeply as possible. Solid against her. Filling her, body and soul.

Soft, teasing sweeps of his lips brushed hers. He moved inside her, the strokes long and slow. A rhythmic dance with a grind at the end of each pass. Every touch tugged at her heart…a little too much.

“Mason,” she said, wrangling enough space to look at his whole face. “Fuck me.”

He stopped mid-thrust, eyebrows drawing together at her request. “I am…or was, before the inadequacy set in.”

Limited space didn’t allow her to properly shake her head, but she was entirely capable of rolling her eyes. And smiling. “When I’m eighty years old with brittle bones and a bum hip, this’ll be perfect. Right now…” She raked her nails down his back and clamped on to his perfect, firm butt. “I want the totally hot man that I love to fuck me.”

A sexy grin slid into place. “I’m never gonna get tired of hearing that.”

“Good, because I kind of like saying it.”

“Say it again.”

“You’re totally hot.”

The bed shook as he laughed until he collapsed on top of her, lips pressed just below her ear. “I love you too, babe.”



Today they parked in the spot that’d been saved in the driveway, instead of on the lawn. Mason had her door open before she’d freed herself from the clutches of the seatbelt.

“Ready to party with the Lang clan?”

“Not really,” she said as she took his hand. The gesture had become utilitarian as much as romantic, because lord knew she needed help getting in and out of the truck these days.

“If it gets awful, just think about what I’m going to do to you later.”

The grumpiness lifted a bit. She loved this little déjà-vu dance they did whenever they came to his parents’ house. “Give me a clue.”

“It involves oil.”

“Sounds slippery.” She smiled, in vain as it was. They’d never get to the action tonight. Poor Mason. The fatigue was killing their sex life. She’d be asleep before he popped the top on the bottle of oil.