Page 89 of Game Plan

“Guess I’ll have to keep you awake and alert the rest of the night.”

“I think that’s a myth.”

“Trust me, I’m a doctor.”

A thoroughly unfeminine snort snuck out. “You’re an animal doctor, Dr. Lang.”

“And you,” he said, scooping her up into his arms, “are my favorite animal.”

“Because I’m a cougar?”

“I was thinking vixen.” Squishy pillows cradled her as he set her on the bed. “Either way, you’re mine.” A kiss teased her bottom lip. “Mine to take care of.” Each nipple got a turn under his mouth. “Mine to worship.” His tongue took the direct route back to the land of unfinished business. “Mine…to…keep,” he said, each word separated by a long, sensual lick.

Her legs trembled. Every second, every action, pushed her closer to release. Lick, vibrate, suckle…shuffle and repeat. A hot, swirling ache tugged at her clit. She clutched his head, desperately needing—

“That…oh god…”

His fingers moved inside her, stroking the magic spot only he knew how to find. His tongue bore hard and fast on her clit. A thousand stars flashed behind her eyelids. Release hit her like a wave, subsided, then surged again. She rocked against his face, panting and moaning, coming until she couldn’t breathe. Until she was a quivering pile of satisfied, as he’d guaranteed.

His kiss had the spicy-sweet taste of sex. Half of it, anyway. “Now you’re mine to play with however I want.”

“Mmm.” A quick flip onto her stomach and she rolled up to her knees, wiggling her butt side-to-side. Taunting the bull. “What’re you going to do to me?”

The bull’s nostrils flared. He slid two fingers inside. Dragged the lubed fingers upward, teased the rim of her ass while whispering in her ear. “I prefer showing to telling. Let me grab the condoms.”

“We don’t need them.”

“Did you go on the Pill?” He crouched beside the bed, facing her, stroking her hair. “Oh, shit. Babe, from before, are you…?”

Nerves jumbled into a ball in her throat. “No.” She breathed as deeply as she could, tried to keep her voice from cracking. “I’m fine. Trust me.”

The clock on the dresser ticked off the seconds of silence. The comforter crinkled as Mason shifted his weight alongside. His eyes flitted to the bathroom door, then returned to her face. “Are you sure?”

“As sure as I am that I, um, love you.” She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. Way to botch what should be a memorable, romantic moment. “Which is very sure.” She had to be red as a tomato, her cheeks were so hot. “Wow, that really sucked.”

“It worked for me.” He stood, pushed his boxer briefs off with one hand. Six feet two inches of male perfection stared her in the face.

Up and down, she soaked in the spectacular sight. Top to bottom, outside and in, she loved it all. His eyes and smile, his muscles, his cock. His intelligence, sense of humor and warmth. Even the insecure parts that made him act like a stupid ass. She loved every bit of him.

“I need you. Now,” she said, the words raw, half-choked.

He moved alongside her, shifting her into a face-to-face position. He blanketed her with his body, tickling her neck with the soft brush of his lips. “You have me. Now and always.”

“Even when I’m old and wrinkly?”

“Yeah, even then.”

“Hey…you’re supposed to say I’ll never be old and wrinkly.” She wiggled, the action having zero effect other than to land his cock in a better position. The smallest shift and he’d be inside her.

“If I have my way, I’ll be old and wrinkly at your side.”


“Except when I’m rough.” His teeth scraped her neck, making her shiver. He rocked forward, teasing her with the head of his cock, sliding it in and out.

A nervous ball formed in her throat. She needed to tell him now, before they committed to this and couldn’t put on the brakes. “What about when I’m swollen and fat…with your baby.”

Every inch of his body tensed against her. He rolled her to her back in a blink, stared down, boring into her with intense eyes. “Are you pregnant?”