Page 74 of Game Plan

“There’s somebody here to see you. Scott Finch, he doesn’t have an appointment. Do you have time—I told him you’re swamped today.”

Ah, fuck. What a day for this visit. “Yeah, send him back.” At least this once, his receptionist was using a part of her brain that wasn’t focused on getting at his cock. “Hey, Cara—thanks.”

“Oh, my pleasure, Dr. Lang. If there’sanythingelse I can do for you, buzz me.”

So much for the reprieve. The longest, worst day in the history of having his own clinic, and now he got to deal with Andie’s bitter ex-husband. Fucking great.

He turned his chair toward the knock. The only glimpse of Scott he’d had was from a distance, the day he’d first met Andie at the ballpark.

The man standing in his open doorway wasn’t a geeky dad in a golf shirt. Not even close. Eighty-dollar button-down tucked into name-brand, wrinkle-free, belted khakis. Wire-frame glasses over wary eyes.

Yeah, he was being a judgmental jerk, but he didn’t like Scott Finch. Mason forced a smile into submission when he stood. Finch came up to his chin. If they were buddies, height wouldn’t mean a damn thing. Towering over Andie’s ex, however—that was all right.

“Dr. Lang,” Finch said, extending a hand. “Scott Finch, Andie’s husband.”

Husband? Think again, pal. So the ex wanted to play games. No problem. “Call me Mason, unless you brought Andie’s dog in for a check-up.”

“We have an excellent veterinarian with whom we’re very satisfied.”

First the husband thing, now referring to them aswe? This guy was either delusional or he thought Mason was an idiot. Probably the latter. Wrong day to fuck with him, Finch.

“Yourex-wife is very satisfied with her new veterinarian.”

Surprisingly, Scott didn’t slug him. Self-restraint, or lack of balls? Again, Mason put his bet on the latter.

“Thank you for bringing us to the heart of the matter. Let’s have a seat.”

“Help yourself.” Mason motioned to the assortment of chairs in his office, waited for Scott to choose one, then leaned against his desk. “I’m good to stand.” His legs would have to fall off before he’d let this weasel control the show. Knowing what he did about how Scott had controlled Andie, Mason wasn’t giving up an inch.

Scott’s jaw clenched as he looked up at Mason. “I’m aware that you’re having a physical relationship with my former wife. She’s a beautiful woman with a particularly healthy and diverse sex drive.”

The words,no shitandunderstatement of the year, came to mind, but he held back. “Andie agreed to let you screen any man she wants to introduce to Dylan. I know she didn’t intend for us to discuss her libido or sexual preferences.”

“Nobly said. It sounds as though you care about her.”

“Of course I do, she’s incredible. Excuse my lack of nobility here, but you were an idiot to let her get away. Whatever she wants, I plan to give it to her.”

“And she wants you to meet her child, so you’re doing that.”

“Don’t jump to conclusions, barrister. Meeting Dylan was my idea, one hundred percent.”

“Why bother? You’re already reaping the benefits of her midlife crisis. Why get tangled up with the rest of her life?”

Finch thought Andie was having a midlife crisis? She’d ended their marriage two years ago, for chrissake, and not gone on a single date until recently. This guy was delusional.

“So I should keep having sex with your ex, but stay away from your son, is that it?”

“I see no reason to subject him to this.”

This conversation was getting surreal. “Subject him to what—his mother moving on with her life? Forget it, Finch. Run a background check on me or whatever. Aside from wanting to assault you because you’re aggravating the shit out of me, I’m a decent guy. Ties to the community and the rest of it.” Mason stalked to the door and shut it in Cara’s nosy face. “Maybe Dylan will like me, maybe he won’t. But it’ll be his decision.”

“He’ll like you. He’ll probably even think you’recool.”

“So what—you’re worried I’m going to steal your son from you?” For that, Mason managed to feel a little compassion for the man sitting in front of him.

“If I died tomorrow and Andie kept you around indefinitely—which is unlikely—you’d never be able to do that. The parental bond is an amazingly strong thing. You wouldn’t understand that, though.”

“Not yet.” This motherfucker had Mason’s buttons lined up in a tidy row. Push, push, push. “Remember when I said I’d give Andie whatever she wanted? Yeah, that.”