Page 71 of Game Plan

“They had a doggie door for while they were at work. Fenced yard, but chain link. Could’ve been anybody, so nobody’ll get charged, but they have good reason to believe it was the neighbor. They’d had issues with him.”

“So he killed their dog?”

“No, just tortured her until the injuries were irreparable. I’m the one who had to end her life. Hers and five unborn puppies.”

“Oh, Mason…” What could she say to ease his burden? Nothing. All she could do was try to comfort and distract him. She brushed her lips along his ear, over his cheek, softly working lower, to his mouth.

At first, he sat back, accepting her kisses as the gentle caress she intended them to be. When her tongue dipped into his mouth, though, everything changed.

His lips engaged hers. His tongue returned the favor, touching hers and igniting a fire low in her belly. Hands that had been still on her back roved lower. They slid under the elastic waistband of her yoga pants to cup her ass, to steal between her legs and stroke her with a slow intensity that sparked more than her compassion.

“I need you.” His voice was low and husky, almost desperate.

“You have me. For anything you need. Everything. I’m yours.”

“I don’t have a condom.”

“I don’t care.” The words tumbled out. Wrong or right, it was the truth. “Take what you need—I want you to.”

His mouth found hers again, searing her to the core with soul-deep kisses. Hands fumbled with clothes. Metal jingled and cloth rumpled as her yoga pants hit the floor and his jeans were shoved down to the knee. The hard length of his cock teased her from beneath, sliding along her slit.

An aching heat roared between her legs. He stroked again, the tip of his erection bumping her clit before retreating, only to repeat the torture again. She shifted—in vain. He leaned forward in the office chair and maneuvered her legs around his waist. Cramped, but it’d work. All she had to do now was lift her hips and…god, yes…slide down, down, down his cock. His skin inside her skin. Hot, slick, perfect—it should always be this way.

He held her tight when she hit bottom. Rocked his hips upward while guiding her body into a slow, circular grind. “Come for me,” he said with his lips still touching hers. “I need to feel it. To hear your noises. To see your face when you let go.”

Oh god. She loved him. With her heart and soul, she loved him.

Buried to the balls, he moved inside her. Never withdrawing, just a slow rhythm that dragged her clit across his pelvis again and again. The first, soft wave of pleasure washed over her and she moaned against his mouth.

“You’re so beautiful.” He pulled her closer, as close as possible in their position, adding more sensuous friction exactly where she needed it. He pressed his lips to her neck, kissing, licking, nipping and murmuring. Naughty things. Sweet things.

She could barely breathe. Every inch of her skin sang as she writhed against him, stars—no, hearts—flashing behind her eyelids.

“Fuck…you feel too good…” His fingers dug into her hips, forcing her down and wide open. He groaned as his cock swelled, pulsing deep inside her. Shuddering, he wrapped his arms around her and pressed his forehead to hers. “Andie, I—”

“Shh, it’s okay.” She covered his lips with two fingers. “I told you to, I wanted you to.”

He kissed the tips, then guided them away. “Not that. Well, that too, but first this…” He pulled back enough to look into her eyes. “I love you. I wanted to say it when I’m not fucking you, so you know I mean it when I say it while I am.”

This was where she was supposed to say it back. And she wanted to. God, did she want to.

Hints of sunlight crept around the blinds, giving light to the room. Enough to see his eyes clearly. The expectation there dimmed as she remained silent, despite opening her mouth several times. Here she was, impaled on the cock of a gorgeous, near-perfect man who’d just told her he loved her, yet again, and she couldn’t get the words out in return. What the hell was wrong with her?

“About the no condom…” Gently, he helped untangle her limbs from the chair. As soon as she withdrew from his lap, he pulled up his jeans and zipped.

The moment was past. Her opportunity—gone.

“If my irresponsibility gets you pregnant, I’ll support you any way you want me to. All I ask is that you’re honest with me.”

“Mason, I…I…”

This time it was his fingers on her lips. “It’s okay. It doesn’t have to go both ways.” The front door chirped, snapping both their attention to his open office door. “Might want to put your pants back on. I have to go take care of…” He rubbed his temples and shook his head. “I have to finish cleaning the operating room before our morning surgeries.”

She threw her arms around his neck, clutching him as if her life depended on it. “You didn’t eat anything and you’ve barely slept.”

His arms closed around her—thank god—and he chuckled in her ear. “I’ll eat soon, and I’ll try to rearrange things so I can catch a nap at lunch.” He nuzzled her hair briefly. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

He left before she had a chance to answer, closing the door behind him.