Page 67 of Game Plan

“Yeah. And?” The requested goods appeared on the desk in front of them. He slapped a bunch of twenties on top as payment. “You planning to dump me before the snow flies?”

Even the salesman paused to hear her answer.

“Not if you’re buying me these wonderful ruby slippers, no.”

Most of the booths had closed for the day by the time they loaded a heap of bags into the backseat and hopped in the front of the truck.

“The woman working the jewelry booth said the stores in the village are open later.”

“Would you be disappointed if we skip it?” she asked.

“Hell no. I’d rather be home, with you all to myself.”

The smile she gave him was weak, and she followed it up by staring out the window while he drove. For ten long, silent minutes, her restless hands fiddled with her dress while she looked at the side of the expressway.

Then it clicked. “How about we go out dancing tonight? Or grab a bite and some drinks with friends?” Now that he had her attention again, he caught her hand and kissed each knuckle. “I’ve been monopolizing every minute of your free time. I don’t mind sharing you…a little.”

“You shouldn’t have bought me the slippers.”

Where the hell had that come from? Because he’d spent too much, or it was too practical to be romantic?

“It’s not going to work out—us—being a real couple. Being together still when winter rolls around.”

“Shit, is this the age thing again?”

“No, the single mom thing. You joke about sharing me with people, but after Dylan comes home, he’s the one that’ll have the monopoly. Our sleepovers, sexcapades, spontaneous day trips…they’ll only be an option when he’s at his dad’s. This time we’re spending together, it’s a fairytale for me. But a week from now my coach is going to turn into a pumpkin, and all of this,” she waved her hands around, “will cease to be my reality.”

The steering wheel squeaked under his clenched grip. “You’ve got a pretty low opinion of me.”

“What…I do not. I think you’re amazing.”

“To fuck. Or blow, or generally spread your legs for.” Yeah, it was crude and cruel. Too bad. “But I’m not capable of standing next to you while you tolerate your ex, or participating in your day-to-day life.” The jump from irritated to fully pissed off was a short one. “And I’m obviously nowhere near good enough to meet your son.”

“Oh my god, you’ve got it all wrong. I just didn’t think that you’d…when you could…” Her words came on sobs as she wiped at the corners of her eyes. “Why would you want to do any of those things?”

“Remember when I told you that I’m falling in love with you?” He took his eyes off the road long enough to see her nod. “Yeah, that’s why.”

“Okay,” she said softly. “Okay.” The second one came out more solidly and accompanied by a nod, followed by digging through her purse for her cell.

That’s it? No apology, no kiss or cuddle? Not even a little stammering to show some remorse for judging him unfairly? He shook his head. Of all the women he could’ve taken a header for, he’d found one who had shittier communication skills than he did. What were the odds?

“There.” The phone went back into her bag. “I emailed Scott. You are officially my boyfriend. After Scott cross-examines you and I get clearance, I’ll introduce you to Dylan.”

Maybe it was inappropriate, but he grinned. He hadn’t missed the hint of challenge in her voice. “Great. Looking forward to both of those meetings.”

“I have no doubt that Dylan will like you. You’re great, plus he’s been pushing for me to…get a life, as he puts it.” Up, down, up, down, went the zipper on her purse. “As for Scott…you can expect him to be a well-mannered asshole.”

“I can deal with that. If the tables were turned, I’d be an ill-mannered asshole, to say the least.”

She scooted over to the middle spot and leaned against his arm. “You’re so sweet.”

It took a sec for his brain to register thelackof sarcasm. He laughed so hard, actual tears almost rolled. “I say I’m falling in love with you—more than once—and you ignore it. I imply that I’d rough up any guy who had your affection when I didn’t and you call me sweet. You’re an unusual woman, Andie.”Hisunusual woman. A fact he couldn’t wait to rub in Scott Finch’s lawyer-smug face.

Chapter Fourteen


“Mmm, that’s nice…” Andie murmured when Mason’s fingers glided from her shoulder to her waist, making a small pit stop to circle her nipple. “A girl could get used to this kind of wakeup call.” She shimmied closer to the hot mass of male behind her in the bed. Make thathardmass, or even more accurately, massively hard. She reached back to stroke his glorious erection. Nowthatwas something she’d like to wake up to every morning.