Page 36 of Game Plan

“Guess I won’t be wearing backless items for a few days.” She put on her bra, then her dress. “Until I met you, I’d never even had a hickey. Now I’ve had scraped knees from blowing you and rug burn from you fucking me.”

And…he just dropped another level, from careless jerk to total douche.

“What’re you going to do to me next, I wonder.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, pure mischief playing across her face.

Well, fuck him. “I can think of a few things.”

“I can’t wait.”

“After the party?”

“Sure, I’ll meet you later.”

“No deal.” He turned away to get dressed. The only way to hide the fact that his words were complete horseshit. He’d take a booty call if that’s all he could get. But he wanted more.

“I don’t get why you’re so determined to have this conversation.” The shoes got her full attention as she focused on re-lacing them around her ankles instead of looking at him. “Your family will flip out when they find out there’s ten years between us. For the record, I thought you wereinyour thirties when I met you.”

“And now I am.”

Her head snapped up as her mouth fell open. “By a day!”

“Tomorrow it’ll be two days.”

“You’re impossible,” she said after laughing out loud. “I like spending time with you, a lot. If it were just you and me in private, our ages wouldn’t matter. Other people, though…most of them will look at us and see nothing more than a cougar playing with a hot, young vet.”

“Fuck most people.”

“Thanks, but I’d rather not.”

“Me either.” Best if he dealt with the age issue in bite-sized chunks. “Today isn’t about most people, it’s a get-together with a bunch of my family and friends. Do you thinkyourfriends and family will judge me because of my age?”

“It’s not the same, Mason.”

“Sure it is. They might think I’m taking advantage of you…given that you’re so old and feeble.”

“Oh, that’s nice.” A halfhearted punch landed on his chest and stayed there as she smiled up at him. “Jerk.”

That’s what he wanted—Andie, relaxed and happy. He took her hand after closing the truck. Gave it a squeeze as they moved around front. “Seemed to me the people at the party so far all thought you were great. My sister hadn’t shown yet when you attempted your escape. Katie’ll kill me if she doesn’t get to meet you.”

“I don’t know…” She was caving, it was in her eyes. In the softness of her voice.

Time to seal the deal. “Think of it as my birthday present, since you didn’t get me anything.”

“That is so unfair.”

“Yeah, but did it work?”

She sighed. Rolled her eyes. Looked fucking adorable. “This time.”

He held the driver’s door open and followed her into the truck. “I promise not to use it again next year.”

Chapter Eight


“We’ve been gone an hour. They’re going to ask questions.” Agreeing to come back to the party suddenly seemed like willingly walking the plank. “And I’m a mess. My hairbrush and makeup are in my tote bag, out back on the deck.”

“I’m on it.” He pulled out his cell and whipped off a text.