Page 28 of Game Plan

Not actually Mason, of course. He would have been what back then—eighteen to her twenty-five, maybe? Barely legal. Truth was, as much as she wanted to know his age, the prospect terrified her. Especially since he’d avoided the question the couple of times she’d casually slipped it into conversation. For now, ignorance meant bliss, lots of it.

Ugh, she was so going to hell for this fling.

“Let’s go. I don’t want you to get in trouble with the boss.”

“I’m sure he’ll give me a pass. He thinks you’re hot.”

“Tell him the feeling isverymutual.” She smiled and ducked under his arm, into the hall.

He grabbed her hand, keeping her close while he locked up. Then, right there on the front stoop, he pulled her in for a hug and kiss none of his neighbors would mistake as platonic. He certainly wasn’t afraid to publicly display affection. Or rather, attraction. That she was obviously older than him and he didn’t give a rat’s ass made it even better. Mason’s behavior set the bar awfully high for any men she dated in the future.

“When are you free?” he asked.

“We could do lunch again.”

“Yeah, we probably should. I failed royally on taking you anywhere you want.”

“Wrong. This is exactly where I wanted to go. And the service here was excellent, but…” She bit the inside of her cheek attempting to squelch a smile. “You’re sort of like Chinese food.”

“This I gotta hear.”

“Iwastotally full and satisfied while I was having you, but fifteen minutes later and I’m hungry for more.”

“Babe, I think that’s got more to do with your appetite than what I’m serving.” He laughed at the blush creeping across her face and led her to the car. “Now back to the question of when I can see you again—really see you—because I want a whole lot more than an hour.”

Chapter Seven


Mason let the cool spray pound on his shoulders. Euthanizing pets didn’t get easier as the number grew. Even when it was absolutely necessary, it drained him every time. Didn’t matter if he’d known the client for years or was simply doing his turn at the shelter. He’d lost count about a year ago, despite promising himself he never would.

He turned his face to the water. Fumbled around for the soap and began scrubbing. Face first, working downward, ritualistically washing away the lingering sense of death and lack of control. Putting Mrs. Johnson’s dog to sleep was the last thing he wanted to do an hour before seeing Andie. But loss doesn’t wait for a convenient time to drop into your life. He knew that firsthand.

Ah shit, now he was thinking about Stacey and the pregnancy she’d ended against his wishes. No matter how many times he tried to sell himself the story that it hadn’t been a real baby yet, he didn’t buy it. Same with the line about the abortion being in the best interest of their futures. Yeah, that one sucked too. But it was the past. Five years ago and forever unchangeable. And the present looked damn fine these days. Business at his clinic was increasing steadily. Friends and family were close by but not on top of his every move. Now he had Andie.

Yeah, it had only been a week. He wasn’t stupid enough to think he was in love with her. The sex was phenomenal from the first time and it was only going to get better. Hell, she’d come to his office yesterday during lunch for the sole purpose of blowing him. Because it was all she could squeeze into her schedule and because it seemed fair, according to her, since she’d already gotten herself off that morning. Twice.

She’d walked in, announced all this, locked the door and gone to her knees. Unbuttoned her shirt to show him those perfect tits, sucked him off, then left with a smile on her face. How many women did that? None that he’d ever met. And she had a brain to go with all that sex-kitten stuff. A personality with her own likes, dislikes and interests. A self-sufficient life. Not like the twenty-something cling-ons people kept shoving in his direction.

So, yeah, he also wasn’t stupid enough to think he couldn’t fall in love with Andie.

He threw on cargo shorts and a t-shirt and chucked some extra stuff in a backpack. Gave Hugo half a can of real tuna and told him not to wait up.

* * *


“You brought me roses,” Andie said when she answered her door. “Red ones, for Canada Day, they’re beautiful. Come in while I put them in water.”

“Red for passion, not patriotism, and they pale next to you in the beautiful department.” He purposely stayed a couple steps behind while following her to the kitchen.

The form-fitting black-and-white dress accented her small waist and the sweet curves of her body. Gorgeous, head to toe. The material ended halfway down her thigh, showing off a pair of phenomenal legs begging to be touched. The perfect length for him to get his hand under every chance he got. Like, under the patio table, or if they snuck into the bathroom…

“You’re staring,” she said, catching him in the act when she reached the sink.

“I don’t know what I was expecting to see you in today, but that dress isn’t it. That’s a whole lotta sexy for a house party. Definitely not the kind of thing you wear to blend into the crowd.” He was going to be the envy of every man at the party with her at his side.

“Maybe you should go without me, then.” She abandoned the flowers to yank off her shoes. One intensely dirty look later, she stormed out of the kitchen and up to her room.