If helether? The car’s tires screeched as she took the next corner abruptly, for the sole purpose of seeing Mason slam into the passenger door. Nobody was controlling what she did or didn’t do anymore. Not her wardrobe, not her behavior, and most definitely not her orgasms.
She bombed up a block and careened around another corner. Then one more, putting her on the correct street. All of this only served to make him laugh out loud. Dammit. So much for staying irritated with him. Impossible with that sexy sound working its magic on her senses.
“Slow down, Danica. It’s the little white bungalow up there, on the left.”
“Ha ha.” Though comparing her to a hot, female Indy car driver was kind of cool. “You’re a horrible tease, by the way.”
“Not true. I have every intention of finishing what I started.”
Her stomach flip-flopped at the promise. Whether by fingers, tongue or cock, he’d certainly proven his expertise at finishing the job. She parked in his driveway and wiggled in her seat, trying to set her clothes to rights.
Mason’s mouth curled into a sly grin.Don’t bother, it said. Fine. She shrugged and got out. Let his neighbors see her looking all rumpled.
The house was adorable. Clean white siding with dark-green shutters and trim. No gardens out front, but he did have a planter box overflowing with red and white petunias and a hanging basket to match. Not what she’d expected from a young, single guy.
The lock clicked and Mason held the front door as she scooted under his outstretched arm. Once inside, he scooped up his cat and ruffled its smoky gray fur. His affection for the one-eyed kitty was obvious. The more sides she saw of Mason, the more she learned about him, the gooier her insides got. He was sweet, smart, sexy. Eye candy to the extreme. Kind. Fun to be with. Quite simply, the man was a freaking catch and a half. A total keeper.
Some stroke of luck had allowed her to catch him. She’d never be able to keep him, but she wasn’t looking to. Not him or anyone. There were moments, though, like this one, when she had to remind herself of that game plan. Happily ever after still appealed to her, even though she knew it didn’t exist. The idea of sharing her days and nights with somebody who made her happy…
She shook her head to clear the dangerously domestic thoughts. “Are you going to show me around?”
“Nah.” Two seconds later he’d slung her over his shoulder with his hand up her skirt, working its way into her panties. He cut down a short hallway into a masculine bedroom. “No time for the home and garden tour. We’ve got twenty minutes. You’re gonna come twice, me once. And then I’m making us sandwiches.”
She laughed as he dumped her on his bed. “It’s going to be tight.”
“Just how I like you.” Sweet Mason, holder of doors and cuddler of kitties, vanished. The replacement Mason’s pure-sex smile sent a surge of electricity between her legs. He pulled her knit top off one-handed. Tossed it to the floor. Yanked her skirt away, made short work of the pretty lingerie she’d worn, then stripped himself naked.
He grabbed her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed. His knees thudded on the hardwood. He drew her legs over his shoulders and drove his tongue into her hot center. Did a little swirl-thrust, then headed up to her clit, where it pulsed exactly how she liked.
“Mmm, that’s…” Nice, good, incredible. What was better than incredible? “Oh, oh…right there, harder.” A lightning strike of pleasure hit. She jerked against his face, hips rolling and grinding upward. With every flick of his tongue she unraveled further. She clawed at the bedspread, balling it up in clenched fists. Trying to hold off a tiny bit longer. Then she was falling. Or flying. Panting, clutching his head, lost in a wave of sensation that went on and on.
The aftershocks faded, leaving every nerve ending super sensitized. Minutes—no, seconds—earlier, she couldn’t get enough contact. Now she pushed at the top of his head, beat her heels on his back.
“Mason, you have to stop.” She tried wriggling away, but his hands remained clamped around her thighs, his face buried between her legs. Torturing her with soft strokes of his tongue. “I can’t take any more. Please.”
A muffled chuckle tickled her thigh. He kissed the inside of one leg, then the other, before rising from the floor. “One down.”
“That counted for my two. At least.” She ogled him openly as he retrieved a condom from the bedside table and rolled it on. God, he made her mouth water. “If you come as fast as I did, we’ll have plenty of time for sandwiches.”
“Your priority here is lunch meat?” He stood between her legs, manmeat at the ready. “Because I can do fast.” He cupped the back of her knee and rolled her onto her stomach. Smoothed his hands down her legs, made sure her feet were planted solidly on the floor. He bent over her back and whispered in her ear, “I’ll come as fast as you do—this time.”
Andie looked over her shoulder in time to see his face as he straightened and sank into her waiting body. The muscles in his neck and shoulders were taut. His jaw clenched. But no strain showed in his eyes, only a spark meant just for her. His mouth curled into a sexy smile. The knowing kind.
His left hand splayed on the bed beside her. She rose to her forearms, pressing her back to his hard chest, giving her breasts room to rasp against the blanket with each deep, rhythmic thrust. Her nipples tightened. She squeezed a hand between her body and the bed. Pulled back the folds of skin preventing her clit from enjoying the same hot friction. Oh yes. Much better.
“I love your soft little moans.” He breathed the words in her ear. Brought his right hand under her and caressed her breast. The gentle touch ended when he reached her nipple. He plucked it, rolled it between his fingers, pinched.
Heat bloomed under his touch, shot straight to her clit. “Oh god. Harder.”
Mason’s lips brushed the side of her neck. “Pinch you harder, or fuck you harder?”
No more questions, he just acted. Clamped down on her nipple, relented, then squeezed the bud again. He drove into her harder. Ground his hips to her ass, forcing her mound to rub the edge of the mattress. His head pressed hers, his face buried in her hair. Cursing, almost growling as he held back, focusing on her. Waiting for her. Not because he had to—because he chose to.
“Now,” was all she managed as her climax hit. It was enough.
“Fuck…you feel so fucking good.” He ground out the words while slamming into her, taking his release hard and deep in her body.