Page 21 of Game Plan

“Yeah?” He put his tongue on her clit and gave it a little swirl.

“Very wow.” So much so, she could barely take the light teasing he was administering. “Are you a good vet?”

“The best.”

Confidence suited him. He wore it as naturally as skin. “You’re not going to ask me why I’m asking about your job right after you made me come like a rocket?”

“Nah, but I like that part about the rocket.”

“That was my point. If the vet thing doesn’t work out, you could become a gigolo. With your skills, you’d be rich.”

“Would you pay for my services?”

“I might.”

“I wouldn’t take your money. Burying my face between your legs is my pleasure.”

“God, you’re smooth.”

“You’d rather I was rough?”

One look at his hungry smile and the sinful glint in his eyes and she was done for. Whatever he did to her, however he did it, would end with a trip to the moon. She didn’t doubt that for one second.

“How about now…” She rocked her hips side to side. “Have I been patient enough?”

“Hell yes.” He disentangled himself from her legs, turned her on her side and smacked her on the butt. “Go get them.”

No need to tell her twice. She rolled off the bed and practically dove for the pile of clothes he’d left on the floor. Digging through his pockets revealed four condoms. Ambitious. She raised an eyebrow at him while holding them up, fan-style.

“I know, I should’ve brought the whole box.”

The bed shook as she plopped down beside him. “What, it’s not enough that you wrecked my ankle with a baseball, now you want to cripple me by way of fucking?”

Before she could blink, he’d snagged the condoms from her hand and flipped her onto her back. His cock tapped her inner thigh, edging closer, then retreating. Driving her wild.

“Definitely not cripple, but I like the idea of having you confined to a bed for a few days. Also, you’re damn sexy when you talk about fucking.” He tore into one packet and handed her the goods. “Put it on.”

“Pretty sure I don’t have a cock. Feel free to go back down there and conduct another search, though.”

“What, I wasn’t thorough enough the first time?”

“You missed a spot.”


Agroan slipped out, even though he tried to keep his cool. Was she saying what he thought she was saying? Because it sounded like an invitation to play with her ass. No man in his right mind would refuse that suggestion, not with Andie, who had a fucking phenomenal booty. Round and firm with skin he wanted to touch for hours.

He closed his eyes, pictured spreading her cheeks, feasting his eyes. Touching her. The sound of her moan as he worked his finger inside her in preparation for bigger and better things. Shit, he couldn’t, not this time. Thinking about it had him at the edge. Any attempt at the real deal and he’d lose it altogether.

“Don’t think that you have to…” She turned away, burying her cheek in the cushy blanket. “I mean, I know that not everybody wants to do stuff—back there.”

“Are you kidding me?”

She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and shook her head. Her chin quivered when he touched her cheek. A little stroking across her smooth skin and he coaxed her to look at him. Those eyes, so honest. And damn if he didn’t see insecurity lurking there. Unbelievable.

“Babe, every guy wants to do thingsback there, especially when their lady is beautiful and sexy like you.”

“Not every guy,” she whispered.