Page 55 of Game Plan

No escaping now. Shit. “Stupid leg cramp. Roll over and go back to sleep.” Emphasis on theroll overpart.

“Those are nasty. Let me rub it out for you.”

He half-laughed. In her sleepy state, it took her a few seconds to catch up. Once she had, she gave him this cute little shove that wouldn’t tip over an empty highball glass, but he let it knock him to his back. His stressed-out mood—gone.

He found her hand and arranged it around his cock, perpetually at half-mast since she’d come into his life. “If you insist.”

“Let me deal with your leg cramp first, you bad, bad boy,” she said as she crawled to the end of the bed, between his legs. “Right or left, and which muscle?”

“It’s good now. Probably just dehydration.”

“I’ll get you a drink of water.” She slid off the end of the bed. Padded across the room wearing nothing but the moonlight. “When I come back I’ll give you that other rub you’re in need of.”

Down the hall, a cupboard door opened and closed. The water cooler glugged. The kitchen light didn’t come on, because she knew her way around his house.

He waited, but the earlier panic didn’t hit him again. He propped up on his elbows when he heard whispering. The scrape of metal followed, then something tinkling against glass. Cat food.

“Thanks.” He made a show of draining the glass she offered. Lie upheld. “And thanks for feeding Hugo. Can’t believe I forgot to do it.”

“My pleasure. And on the subject of pleasure…”

For half a minute he stayed still, enjoying the tight slide of her fist on his cock. But he’d be a total dick to let her keep going. “You should still be asleep—I was kidding about the hand job.”

“I’m awake now, and I definitely don’t mind. Unless…I’m not doing it right?”

“Babe, you do everything right.” Including occupying one side of his bed. He rolled her over top of him, so they lay side by side, facing each other. A couple small adjustments later, his quadriceps was wedged up against her clit.

“I can’t do much for you in this position,” she said, demonstrating her limited stroking range.

He nudged her with his thigh. “Yeah, you can. Use my body, rub on me until you come.”

“That’s for me, not for you.”

“Watching you get off is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. It makes me rock hard, makes me want to come on the spot.”

The dirty talk was working. She started moving against his leg. The moon lit the room well enough for him to see her bottom lip caught between her teeth.

“Feel how hard I am, fucking your hand? You do that to me.” His cock was like a steel rod. Talking dirty to her worked for him too. “Yeah, that…rub your clit nice and hard, come all over me.” The squeezing and grinding, her panting in his ear…much more andhewas gonna lose it before she got to the finish.

She moaned, a low sound that shot through him like electricity. Her hold on his cock tightened almost to pain. Then she bit him. On the side of the neck and hard enough to make him curse. All worth it when she bucked desperately against his skin.

“I need inside you.” So much, it almost hurt. He dragged her leg over his hip. Pushed against her, entering a little. “You’re so wet.” Something he never got to feel wearing a condom. “And hot. Soft.” He slid deeper. Close to halfway. What the fuck was he doing? Yeah, they’d had the talk. Both of them were up to date on tests and clear, but she didn’t take the Pill. This was stupid. Neither of them were stupid people. “I can’t…” He battled for control as her body tempted him farther inside. “You gotta tell me to stop.”

“You should…should…”

Shit, she was going to say it. He slid his hand over her silky skin, stopping to rub the spot at the base of her tailbone that made her shiver, trailing his fingers lower to tease her ass by circling the rim. Her hips jerked and rolled. Offering all, begging for more. The selfish bastard in him knew how to weaken her defenses. To get what he wanted.

“Please…” The word rode a desperate moan.

“Please what?” He used her juices as lube and breached her with the tip of one finger. “Stop?” He was the biggest douche in history, manipulating her this way.

She pulled him in. All the way in. “Never stop.”

“Jesus…” Nothing compared to this. Sliding through her wet heat. Her body squeezing him, drawing him deeper. Everything was more, better. As if he were high. He crushed into her. Cupped her ass and brought her up to meet his strokes. “You feel too good, I’m not gonna last long and I don’t want to come yet.” He took her mouth, kissed her deep and long. “I’m close…I should—”Pull out, idiot, pull out!

“Not yet, please…more. More fingers, deeper…”

Holy hell yeah, he’d wait on that request. He eased the single out, slid a second finger alongside. “You’re so fucking sexy—I love your sweet ass, so tight around me. I think about it all the time, filling it with my fingers, my cock.”