Page 52 of Game Plan

“Give it to me.”

She shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. The tote bag hit the floor with a determined thud. Goose bumps popped up all over her body when he gave her the come-hither motion. The urge to give in to him and give it up almost won. But the brat beat it down.

“You’re not getting my bra.”

“I’m gonna enjoy this,” he said, stalking toward her.

Baseball pants don’t hide much. Chicken legs, scrawny butts or giant erections. Mason didn’t have the first two, but he sure had the third.

The inner brat screamed at her to run for it. Easier said than done wearing three-inch heels on plush carpet. By some freakish luck, she deked right and got past him. Out of the bedroom, down the stairs and through the kitchen without breaking her neck. The living room was her demise. One way in meant only one way out. And he had it blocked.

“I should have ditched the shoes.”

“Wouldn’t have mattered.” One step into the room for him.

“You’re not really planning on taking my bra.” A sidestep around the coffee table for her.

“Oh, I really am.”

No luck getting around him this time. He caught, maneuvered and pinned her on the couch—all with one hand and a massive grin on his face. The cool leather squeaked under her back as she squirmed. He was large, warm and hard on top of her, making her wriggling more about rubbing against him than escaping.

“Front or back hook?”

“I’ll never tell.”

“You’re hot when you’re being bratty.”

“I thought I was hot when I was scolding you.”

“Yeah, then too. And when you moan, say dirty words, wash dishes at my kitchen sink…pretty much always.” With his free hand, he shoved her t-shirt above her breasts, revealing a lacy red demi-bra with handy front closure. “Very nice.”

For a big man with ample strength, he had the lightest touch—when he chose to. Like now. She shivered as he traced the scalloped detail along the swell of her breast, dipping his finger slightly under the edge, teasing her nipples with a mere hint of contact. Any other time, her cleavage refused to stay put in this barely there bra. Because she wanted them to pop out, they didn’t budge. She’d gone from fighting to keep the bra, to wishing he’d snap to it and take the damn thing away.

“You win. What’re you waiting for?”

He toyed with the clasp, clicking it between his thumb and index finger, obviously considering his options. He released her arms from above her head. “I want you to give it to me. Or beg me to take it off. Either way, a willing surrender.”

“No. No way. I guess you don’t win, after all.” Having the use of both hands didn’t make him any easier to move. No amount of shifting or shoving got her free. He didn’t have a ticklish spot to weaken him, not that she’d found yet, anyway, and she was on a first name basis with every inch of his body.

“Then the game isn’t over yet.” His soft kiss surprised her.

She expected something more playful or assertive, given the moment. Another kiss followed, soft as the first, but deeper, longer. His tongue teased its way in. She sighed into his mouth, twined her arms around his neck. Gave back as good as she was getting. Playing was fun, but passion was better.

He nudged her legs apart with his hips. Settled solidly between them and rocked. The hard bulge of his cock rubbed her clit despite the layers of clothing. Slowly, repeatedly, rekindling the need to come he’d created with his fingers not so many minutes ago. He cupped one breast and thumbed the peak of her nipple through the lace. Heat spread through her body, sparking at the pleasure points, but not igniting the release she wanted desperately.

He swallowed her frustrated groan, dipped his head to her breast and caught the edge of her bra between his teeth. Finally. A nip or maybe a suckle, skin on skin, enough to push her over. She held her breath. Held his head. And he held the lace in his mouth, giving her hot breath on skin, nothing more.

“Touch me, bite me…I need something…” She moaned as he added a twist to his grinding motion, pushing her that much closer to the edge.

“Can’t.” He forced the word through his teeth. Sweat beaded on his forehead. His jaw clenched as he bit out another single word. “Bra.”

“Then take it off!”

He snapped the clasp. Shoved the bra off and clamped down on her nipple…as he lifted his hips from her body, leaving her high and dry…and horny as hell.

Chapter Eleven