Page 55 of Worth the Wait

“By giving my friend some good advice. If Sam makes you feel the way you told me you want to feel, you should go for it. You don’t get a big payoff by taking a small chance.”

“Spoken like a true businessman.”

“True,” he said, chuckling. “But also spoken as somebody who took a big personal chance and got the biggest payoff in the world—my daughter. Imagine your life if it didn’t include Lennox, if you hadn’t taken that chance with me.”

“I can’t.”

“Exactly.” He nodded again. “You never know, you might feel that way about Sam one day.”

“Maybe, but now it’s too soon for that. It’s too soon to feel love.”

“That’s your analytical brain talking. And it’s a great brain, but sometimes you should listen to your heart instead. Your heart already knows how you feel—or don’t feel. If the seed isn’t there, no amount of fertilizer and patience will make something grow. But if there’s something there, take the leap. If you fall and get hurt, you’ll survive. Trust me.”

Guilt stabbed at her again. For years, she’d hoped and tried to return Tim’s deeper feelings. From day one, she’d liked him, enjoyed his company. Their goals and ideals aligned perfectly. The sex was decent and with it, they’d created an amazing child. Yet, she’d never fallenin lovewith him.

His analogy was bang on. As for his theory that her heart already knew if she loved Sam…

“Mommy, Daddy, are you done talking?” Lennox asked, poking her head—and the puppy’s—into the kitchen. “Ladybug was whining in my room and I don’t want her to have an accident in the house.”

“Bring her through, honey. Let’s take her out into the backyard and show her where to do her business. I think the back corner near the composter would be a good spot, if we can get her accustomed to doing her business in that area. Might as well start the training immediately, right?”

Lennox’s eyes lit up. “Does that mean Ladybug can stay here until Daddy figures out what to do about keeping her at his house?”

“How about she stays here permanently instead?”

“Thank you, Mommy!” Pure joy emanated from her little girl as she squeezed the puppy within an inch of its life.

Leigh crossed the room and stroked the dog’s head and chin. “Welcome home, Ladybug. You really are cute.” The affirmation earned her a slimy puppy tongue swipe across the face. “Eww, gross,” she sputtered while wiping her mouth.

“She loves you, Mommy,” Lennox said, giggling.

“That, or she’s seeing how I taste.” The innocent comment brought less-than-innocent thoughts of Sam to the forefront of her mind. Memories of his face between her legs stoked the inextinguishable fire he’d lit. If that’s all it was, she’d be fine with it. If that’s all it was, she wouldn’t have mentioned him to Tim, or engaged in a meaningful discussion of love versusinlove.

She sighed and pressed a kiss to Ladybug’s velvety head. No point in fighting the inevitable. With the puppy or with Sam. Her heart was going to win, even if that meant it’d break in the end.

Chapter 9


Brian smiledas she approached Focus’s front desk. “Good workout today?”

“It was, yes. Much morefocusedthan my first time here.”

The big ginger-haired man chuckled at her cheesy use of his club’s name in the answer. Perhaps also at her subtle admission that she’d put more effort into watching Sam than exercising on her previous visit. Either way, Brian was friendly and good-natured. Generous too, since he’d given her a complimentary, open-ended membership.

“Thank you again for letting me use your beautiful club.” A ping sounded from the card reader as she used the machine to check out. “I promise not to take advantage of the free pass.”

“You’d better take advantage of it.” Sam’s voice slid into her ear as he banded her waist from behind. “If we can’t see each other elsewhere, I want to see you here, at least.”

“I’ll do my best,” she said, adding, at a whispered level, “now let go of me.”

“Worried I’m going to get in trouble with my boss?”

“Yes.” A lie to cover the true reason—physical contact with Sam, even this little bit, spiked her libido to raging-need levels. Kind of problematic with no opportunity for orgasmic relief in the schedule.

Sam released her, winking as he moved around to meet her gaze. “Must’ve been an intense workout today, your face is still pink.” Only together a couple of weeks and he could read her body’s reactions as easily as a kindergarten book. Read it like a Braille book would be more accurate, though that line of thinking didn’t help her current tingling-with-need state.

Both men’s attention shifted toward the door as a stunning redhead entered. Tall and curvaceous in a black pencil skirt and short, fitted blazer, her long, wavy hair shimmered as she turned, waving while cutting a path straight toward them. No wonder Sam had abandoned Leigh to join Brian behind the counter.