Page 47 of Worth the Wait

“Wow. That might honestly be the best story I’ve ever heard.”

“Thank you.” She leaned across and squeezed his hand. “And thank you for wanting to hear it.”

“Thank you for sharing it with me,” he said, sweeping the pad of his thumb over her pulse point. Innocent in intent. Tell that to his dick, currently on the rise, thanks to the jolt of heat touching her had initiated.

When her lips parted enough for him to see the tip of her tongue, he had to clamp his jaw together to hold back a groan. He knew what that tongue could do. Would do.

“I’m done with my dinner.”

“Not hungry anymore?” he asked, doing his patient best to stay on track.

“Very hungry. For everything on that menu you recited.”

No keeping the groan inside this time. Especially when she rose and unbuttoned her shirt, giving him a primo view of her perfect nipples.

“I’m going to freshen up, then meet you in your bedroom to discuss that menu.”

Oh, there’d be no discussion. Only full-service delivery of every item.

* * *


Behind the lockeddoor of Sam’s bathroom, Leigh finished the last stages of prepping. Since he clearly liked her sans-bra, she didn’t put one on. Panties, however, were a must-wear. Partly because she enjoyed having him remove them. Mostly because she’d chosen this pair especially for him. A white satin thong with a web of criss-crossing ribbons on each hip. With any luck, he’d break every one of those strands in his urgency to get them off her body. She’d find out soon enough.

Everything okay?

The incoming text lit her phone, showing her the time in addition to his message. She’d been in here for twelve minutes. Not excessive, considering the in-depth preparation she’d had to do. And she did mean that literally.

I hear giggling. You’re not going solo, are you?

Not with you on standby, no way. I was laughing at my own wittiness. I’d say it’s an inside joke, but that’d just be more wittiness for me to giggle at and you to miss out on.

Don’t leave me hanging. Get out here and share.

Exactly what she planned to do—on both counts. She put her assortment of hygiene and clothing items into her bag and stowed it in the closet. Took one last perusal in the oversized mirror, then opened the door.

“Holy goddamn.”

Hands raised above shoulder level, holding each side of the doorframe, she did a little shimmy-shake that made her boobs jiggle. “You like?”

“I don’t like,” he said, stalking toward her. His heated gaze traveled over every inch of her body. “I fucking love.”

Didn’t matter that he’d used the word about her body, her heart still did a little flip. She changed position, placing both hands on one side of the frame with her wrists together, then sliding them higher.

The implication didn’t go unnoticed. Or unheeded.

Sam circled both wrists with one strong hand. Not tied up, as she’d suggested earlier, but restrained. “I can’t wait to touch you.” He trailed his free hand up her thigh, inside her panties. “To fuck you.” One oh-so-talented finger dipped inside her pussy. “But first, I need to taste you.” He added another finger with the next dip. “Every way I said I would.”

“Yes, please.”

“So polite.” In an out, he finger-fucked her, making sure to graze her clit with each pass. “Does that mean you’re going to be a good girl when I’m tonguing you?”

Her knees weakened when he added a third finger. “Yes.”

“Yes, what?” he asked, pushing deeper, taking her breath away with the perfect fullness.

Ooh, she liked this side of Sam. A lot. “Yes, I’ll be a good girl when you pretty please tongue every part of me.”