Page 45 of Worth the Wait

“Because you’re too pissed off for sex?”

Another head tilt, this one accompanied by narrowed eyes. “I’m not pissed off. I just don’t want to have sex with you at the moment.”

“Bet I could change that in ten seconds or less.” He rose and moved around the table to stand behind her chair. Sweeping her hair to one side, he leaned in nice and close. “You wanted to skip dinner, so we’ll skip dinner. I’m still going to eat my fill, only it’s going to be you.Allof you. I’m going to put your sexy legs over my shoulders and feast on your sweet little pussy until you come so hard, you’re begging me to stop. So I’ll stop. But only long enough to bend you over the edge of the bed so I can eat your tight little ass while I make you ride my hand like you did in the hall.”

Goose bumps rose on her soft skin. Her pulse pounded in her neck and her breathing had gone shallow. She turned to face him, pupils dilated, and cheeks flushed with pink.

He’d won his bet. The victory didn’t give him a rush, but that wouldn’t prevent him from enjoying the prize. As soon as he had Leigh in his bed, his pain-in-the-ass brain could get in the backseat while his libido took the driver’s seat. His dick was sure as hell on board with the plan.

Cupping her chin, he dipped down to kiss her—and was denied when she pulled away.

“I don’t care how delicious and satisfying your enchilada is, I’m not taking a bite until I get my appetite back, and listening to you read the menu isn’t enough to do that.”

A laugh ripped up from his gut, filling the summer air with a volume sure to earn a complaint from his neighbor. Still chuckling, he went back to his chair, reached across the table and lifted her hand for a kiss she didn’t pull away from.

He released her hand and leaned back in his chair. “You’re great.”

“So are you, most of the time.”

Meaning, not now. He’d concede that point. Nodding, he said, “You’re right about me. I get bored easily, I always have. That’s why I’m not making use of my math degree and working as a statistician or analyst. As a personal trainer, each day brings new clients, new goals, new challenges. Keeps things fresh and interesting. I need that.”

“I get it. Custom baking is the same way. There’s a lot of unpredictability, but as long as customers are coming in, the randomness is exciting. I get a thrill every time I contract a new job or see a finished order go out the door. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a job that has variety and ever-changing content.” She leaned across the table and took his hand, giving it a squeeze as she looked into his eyes. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting the same things in your personal life either. Some people aren’t wired for commitment or monogamy.”

“First of all, I am monogamous. I’ve never juggled women. Straight line only, no overlap. As for the commitment part, I’m not against it or afraid of it. I just haven’t met somebody I wanted to be with day after day. Until you.”

“That’s sweet and I believe you’re sincere. I just think your feeling that I’m different stems from where I am in life and my lack of neediness. I’m a fresh, new challenge and I’m okay with being that.”

“You’re underestimating yourself if you believe that.”

“I’m not underestimating myself.”

“Then you’re underestimating me, and that’s justified. My track record is shit. And you’re right that I’m attracted to your maturity and independence. Very much so. Also to your beauty, sexy body, friendliness and sense of humor, the commitment you bring to every aspect of your life. I’m attracted to everything about you. Have been since the day we met. I didn’t make a move then because I wasn’t ready to be the kind of man you deserve. I’m ready now.”

Leigh’s eyes had always shared more than her words. Right now, they were telling him he’d hit a sweet spot.

He’d never been one to let an opportunity slide. Nudging his plate aside, he reached across the table to cradle her face in his palms. “If all you want from this is casual good times and amazing sex, let me know. It’s not what I want but I’ll take it—I’m not an idiot.” He winked, smiling when she laughed softly. “But I think we can be more.”

Covering his hands with hers, she slid them from her face, onto the table. “Being ‘more’ comes with challenges and responsibilities. You won’t just be in a relationship with me.”

“There’s Lennox, I know.”

“And Tim.”

“Of course.” He hadn’t forgotten about Lennox’s father, just hadn’t factored him into his relationship with Leigh. The guy was a friend who’d donated sperm, not an ex-husband. But whatever. Detail to be dealt with another day, if necessary.

“I’m not going to lie, Sam, I’ve been making a conscious effort not to fall too hard for you. Talk about a challenge.” Another light laugh slipped through her smiling lips. “I’m prepared and equipped to deal with a broken heart, if and when it happens. But I don’t want to risk putting Lennox through that.” She squeezed his hands. “I’m not ready to include our families in the relationship we’re building. Let’s give us some time to find our groove.”

“Sounds good.”

“So did that menu you recited in my ear. Now that my appetite is back, I’d like to have everything on it.”

Boom, his dick was instantly full-mast again. He leaned across for a taste of her sweet, full lips, only to be denied again when she deked sideways.

A smirk curved her mouth as she picked up her fork. “Dinner first.”

He could try to seduce her away from the table. Might even succeed. Instead, he relaxed in his seat and took in the beautiful view. Dessert was going to be fucking amazing, but he was in no rush to get to it.

“About that toy oven you had,” he said, smiling across the table at her while loading his fork with food. “Tell me the rest of the story. The part that put extra sparkle in your eyes.”