My eyes pop open as my ears catch up with my fingers. I’m playing the song Marshall wrote for me. The one without lyrics. It didn’t need words then, and it still doesn’t. I can feel every intention of his heart in the notes. I’m such a fool. A cowardly fool.
I slide from the bench, calling Mya as I head for the computer.
“Hey, I was just getting ready,” she says, in place of hello. “I’ll be there in fifteen.”
“About that, I have to cancel our sister date.”
“What? No. No canceling. Not tonight.”
“I’m sorry. I know we promised to spend more time together, but there’s something I have to do, and it can’t wait.”
“I’m not saying you’re off the hook, but what’s so time-sensitive on a Sunday evening?”
Silence weights the line for far longer than normal when Mya is on the other end of a call. “I thought he was in Kansas City.”
“He is, and I will be, too. I’m looking at flights now—there’s one at 11:45. I’m going to pack and leave as soon as I hang up with you.”
“Does he know you’re coming?” she asks.
“No, I’m going to surprise him.”
Mya makes a bomb-exploding noise. “Spontaneity overload! Who is this and what have you done with my sister?
“I made a mistake. I never even told him I love him.”
“Have you considered phoning, or maybe a sexy, naked video call? Not that I’m knocking this adventurous leaf you’ve turned over. It’s just not like you to leap without first doing a hundred-point inspection of the landing area. I mean, do you even know where to find him once you get there? Because it’ll be the middle of the night. What if he doesn’t answer the phone?”
“Since when do you veer toward practicality?”
Mya snorts a laugh. “You’re making me do it. Let’s have our sister date, and we’ll plan your adventure and book a flight for tomorrow. I’ll even get Bailey to watch my store so I can drive you to the airport. Unless your new taste for adventure includes driving into Toronto.”
A chill runs up my spine at the thought of navigating all those cloverleaf roads around Pearson International. “I have to go tonight, before I chicken out. But you can still drive me if you want to. That can be our sister date.”
Another snort drifts through the earpiece. “See you in fifteen, adventure queen.”
* * *
“What’s going on downtown?” I ask as Mya drives along Main Street at half the usual speed, due to its congestion. “The stores are all closed. It’s not Summer Festival weekend.”
Focused on not hitting pedestrians crisscrossing the street, she flaps a hand toward the window. “Some band is playing in the park.”
“What kind of band?”
A smile tugs at the corner of her mouth as she hits the blinker, then turns down a side street. “Let’s find out.”
“We’re supposed to be going to the airport,” I say as she takes a parking spot clearly marked withReservedsigns. “I don’t think you should stop here. Or get out of the car. You just stole somebody’s spot.”
“We won’t be here long. I just want to check it out, see if the music is any good.” She waves at me from the sidewalk. “Come on. Just one song. Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of time to get you to the airport.”
She’s right, but that doesn’t stop my heart from pounding harder as I get out of her car. I’ve already missed two days of having Marshall in my life. I can’t miss that flight.
“Relax,” Mya says as we walk the single block toward the park. “I promise this won’t take long. Unless you decide you want it to.”
“No.You said one song.”