“Maria.”I can barely get her name out as her body welcomes the full tip. “Once I’m inside you, there’s no going back. Be sure you want this.”
She pushes her fingers through my hair, fisting its short strands enough to tip my head back so our eyes meet. “I want this,” she says, sinking onto me until I’m buried to the root in her tight heat.
I thrust upward, rocking into her. Over and over, I fill her perfect pussy, bouncing her hard and deep on my dick. Every stroke presses her ass against the piano keys, filling the room with chaotic notes that match my caveman grunts and her choppy breaths. Perfect fucking harmony.
Fire licks at my balls, and I clench my jaw to keep the flames under control. Having her bare, so tight around me—I’m not going to last. But I’m damn sure taking her with me when I come.
I slide my hand between our bodies. Give her clit pressure while fucking her harder, deeper.
A husky moan leaves her parted lips, and it’s all I can do not to lean in and leave my mark on her delicate, upturned neck. Her fingertips curl into my shoulders as she writhes onto my hand and cock, all sense of rhythm gone as she rides me like the beast I am.
I growl as her pussy milks the last fragile thread of my control. Head back, I grip her hips and unload deep inside her, coming for what feels like forever, yet ends too fucking fast. “Come here,” I say, holding her tight, gently cupping her head and guiding her lips to mine.
She kisses me, but it’s not the same as before. Closed mouth. Tentative. Regretting what she just did?
I pull back until our eyes meet. “I should’ve done a hell of a lot better for you our first time.”
“First time?” The way she tips her head is so fucking adorable. “Don’t all men need recovery time? Will we be able to do it again before you leave?”
God, I love the way she talks. No bullshit. Just straightforward as fuck. “I guarantee we’re doing it again.” I stroke her hair, taking in every detail of her beautiful, well, everything. “I’m not leaving tonight.”
“You have a schedule. They need you in Montreal.”
Earlier, I told her I had to head back to Toronto after dinner to catch a late-night flight. There’s not a chance in hell I’ll be on that plane at midnight.
“Fuck the schedule. We’ve played hundreds of shows, they can do one soundcheck without me.Ineed to be here with you. For as many hours, minutes, and seconds as possible.”
She nods, but her face tells a different story.
“Hey,” I say, trailing my fingertips down the slim column of her neck, then cupping her nape. “You’ve given it to me straight so far. I love how fucking candid you are, so don’t stop now. If I’m assuming too much, if I’m overstepping, set me straight. Because unless you send me away, I’m staying with you as long as I can.”
“I want you to stay. I just don’t know why you want to. You’re a world-famous mega rock star, and I’m just a small-town music teacher. You could go anywhere, choose anyone.”
“That’s what I did, beautiful. I came here, and I chose you.” Holding her tight, I push up from the bench. “Now that I’ve got all night, it’s time to slow things down and give you the attention you deserve.”
“I really can’t argue with that,” she says, gifting me with one of her sexy-as-fuck, husky laughs, and a smile to match.
I’ve always lovedthe fuzzy place between asleep and awake. The space where you know you’re not dreaming, but you don’t have to own up to being your everyday self, either. In the fuzzy, semi-conscious place, anything can happen. Those moments when I’m half dreaming, I’m not a socially awkward dork. I’m someone who flirts and teases. Somebody capable of hanging on to a man like Marshall.
“Yeah, angel?” His deep, rich voice slides into my ear as his palm skates up my body to cup my breast.
I’m wide awake now. “I thought I was dreaming. Did I say your name out loud?”
“You did,” he says, nuzzling my neck while strumming my nipple with his thumb. “Right after you made a sexy little humming noise.”
“I was dreaming… sort of.”
“And I was in it?” He squeezes my rigid peak hard enough to make me gaspandarch forward for more. “Tell me the dream. Every detail.”
“I don’t remember.”
Hetsks, abandoning my breast to smack the fleshy part of my ass that his body isn’t pressed against. “Are you lying to me, naughty angel?”