She looks up, a smile on her face and I can’t stop myself from leaning in to kiss her again. “I’m pretty certain you were as equally responsible for my survival, Alex,” she whispers. “And FYI, I’m not sure what’s happening with me tonight, but either way, I’m definitely staying here with you.”
My smile widens as I kiss her again. “Laney, Laney, Laney, are you actually saying you wanna have sex in my hospital bed? Damn girl, I knew I picked you for a reason.”
She slaps my chest, that giggle of hers filling the room and making everything a million times better.
I’m dischargedthe next day with my dad coming to get Delaney and me, who did stay with me all night, even if she vetoed the whole sex thing in the end. She also faked she was going to sleep in the chair beside my bed but that lasted all of the three seconds it took for the nurse to walk out of the room before she was up and under the covers beside me.
It felt so right to have her there, to feel the warmth of her body pressing against mine and hear the sounds of her breathing as I drifted off. It felt like the best sleep of my life and when I woke up this morning, I knew I was never going to be able to sleep without her.
“You ready?” she asks as I pull on the clothes my dad brought me.
Taking her hand in mine, I lift it to my lips. “Ready.”
It’sNew Year’s Eve and even though her friends are in town, Delaney and I have decided to have dinner with our parents first, Ethan Morrison offering us one of the private dining rooms at the lodge.
I get to meet Jenny and as soon as I do, I can see why my dad fell in love with her. She’s nothing like my mom, but it’s obvious she cares a great deal for him and with me no longer living in Boston, I’m actually really glad he’s got someone.
I also meet Delaney’s parents which is another surreal moment. I’m definitely nervous, but they are both pretty cool, weirdly grateful for me apparently saving her or whatever.
After dinner, Delaney and I head to The Matterhorn to meet up with Zoey and Max and their friends who have come up from Hawthorn. There’s a huge group of them, including two Aussie guys who are fucking hilarious.
Everyone is laughing and talking and drinking, asking us a million questions about what happened and what it was like being stuck in the cabin. It feels weird to talk about it with everyone, like everything that happened was for us and only us. But we tell them a few things, even as everyone around us gets a little drunker, me and Delaney not drinking because she’s underage and I’m still on antibiotics.
“Sooooo,” I eventually say, wrapping my arms around Laney and pulling her close, even though I don’t think I’ve let go of her since she showed up in my hospital room yesterday.
“So?” she teases back, a huge smile on her face.
Grinning, I can’t resist giving her a kiss, unable to get enough of her even now, with nothing stopping me. “Are we staying at your place or mine?”
“Tonight?” she asks, tilting her head to the side.
“Every night,” I reply.
“Every night?” she repeats.
I brush the hair back from her face, kissing her again as I whisper, “I told you, Laney, you’re stuck with me now.”
She grins against my mouth. “Mmmm, yeah, I’m okay with that.”
“Also…” I pause, trailing off because it feels weird to admit this out loud. When she said she was going to stay with me in the hospital last night, the relief I’d felt at knowing she’d be near me, was overwhelming. After three weeks of just me and her, of every night spent curled around her, listening to her breathe, I knew I couldn’t imagine a single nightnotsleeping next to her. And honestly, I didn’t even want to try.
“Also?” she prompts.
I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly as I tighten my hold on her. “Also, I don’t want to sleep without you,” I admit. “Not tonight, not any night.”
Delaney lets out a soft moan, her hands slipping under my shirt to rest against my bare skin. “I know what you mean.”
With a smile I glance quickly at Max, who’s laughing at something the tall guy with the sleeves of tatts on both arms and a cute blonde tucked under one of them, has said. “Guess we should talk to our friends about our living arrangement?” I suggest, knowing I don’t even give a shit if I technically stay living with Max but spend every night over at Delaney’s sleeping in her bed. I don’t care at all, as long as I get to be with her.
“I guess we do,” she says, pushing up on her toes to kiss me.
“You wanna get out of here?” I ask.
Delaney smirks up at me. “You don’t want to wait till midnight?”
I lift a shoulder. “I mean we could, or we could just—”
“Ten, nine, eight, seven…”