She snorts out a laugh. “And your arrogance?”

“Nah, probably my sexiness,” I reply with a wink.

She shakes her head, laughing as she blows on her tea. “Alright, let’s see if this tastes as good as it smells then.” I watch as she takes a tentative sip of the hot drink, swirling it around in her mouth before swallowing.

“Good, right?” I prompt.

Delaney purses her lips, her head tilted to the side as though she’s contemplating her answer.

“Come on,” I continue. “Admit it tastes good. Just like me, right?”

She bursts out laughing now as she takes another sip. “I’ll admit, it’s different, but kinda nice.”

I fist pump as I lift my own mug to my mouth, the sweet pine scent filling my nostrils as I take a sip. “I mean I’m not saying it’s the shit, but yeah, it’s not half bad.”

“It’s definitely unique,” Delaney says.

“Also just like me,” I can’t resist adding.

We spendthe afternoon lying by the fire, drinking tea and reading. In amongst the pile of random crap we found was a dusty old book calledInto the Wilderness: a tale of survival in Lake Tahoe.Delaney had insisted I read it to her for something to do and even though it immediately had my mind going back to the hot tub and that porno I read and all the amazing things that came after, this was unfortunately nothing like that.

At best I’d thought it might be some mystery or adventure story, but we were quickly discovering it was actually one of the most boring historical accounts of settling in an area we’ve ever read. Granted, this genre was not high on my reading list to begin with, but fuck me, this is just shit.

“Are you as bored as I am?” I eventually say, throwing the book onto the floor. I’m lying on my back, propped up with the extra blankets, Delaney lying beside me with her head on my chest.

“It’s not exactly riveting reading,” she says, reaching for the book.

“I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but what I wouldn’t give for some of that shitty porn I read to you last time.”

Delaney lifts her head and hits me with a smirk. “Because you like the story, right?”

Laughing, I brush the hair back from her face and pull her back to my chest. “Yeah, Laney, I liked the story.”

She chuckles beside me, her fingers flicking through the book on the floor. “Alex?”


“Will you tell me about your mom, about what happened?”

I let out a long slow exhale, my eyes closing. It’s not that I didn’t expect this question to come sooner or later, it’s just that what happened is not something I ever really talk about. I mean Max and Nick know, obviously, but only the barest of details and only because after knowing each other for four years, shit like that eventually comes up.

But I’ve never really talked about it with anyone else. My dad and I don’t even talk about it anymore, the hurt still too raw even all these years later.

Delaney stops flicking through the book, her hand moving to rest on my chest, right above my pounding heart. She doesn’t say anything more, doesn’t prompt me for an answer even though I know she’s waiting for one.

Swallowing, I eventually force myself to say, “She died in a car accident. She was coming to pick me up from Scouts and some dickhead blew through a red light. It was pretty quick.”

I feel her fingers tighten against my flannel as she takes in my words, and I imagine the pieces start to fit together in her brain.

“My dad was nearly an hour late to get me, because of course the accident and I knew as soon as he showed up that it wasn’t good, it wasn’t…”

My words trail off as Delaney props herself up on her elbow beside me, her thumb tracing along my eyebrow, her own eyes filled with sorrow. I force a smile, not wanting her to think that talking about this upsets me.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispers, leaning in to brush her lips against mine. “So sorry.”

I slide a hand into her hair, holding her against me as I kiss her again. “I’m sorry too, Laney,” I whisper, even though I know my apology is for entirely different reasons.

She nods once, offering me a small smile as she says, “So, you think it might be time for magic mushroom pasta?”