Alex rolls over, poking at the barely burning fire and when he sits up to add wood to it, he moans again.
“Fuck, my head is killing me,” he laments, shielding his eyes from the glowing white snow that illuminates the room.
“What I wouldn’t give for a bottle of Gatorade and a hot shower,” I reply, rolling off the mattress and attempting to walk toward the door so I can go out and use the bathroom. I’m hit with a wave of nausea, regretting drinking so much almost immediately.
“I’d cut off my fucking arm for a hot shower and the breakfast buffet at Badger Creek,” Alex replies, continuing to stoke the fire, getting it roaring again.
I shove my feet into the oversized hunting boots we keep by the door, before pulling it open, only to be instantly hit with a blast of cold air. It takes my breath away and the feeling of nausea that swelled up has subsided.
My eyes are closed, taking in the cold air, letting it soothe my headache and the sweatiness that crept up when I thought I might be sick.
“Delaney!” Alex yells and when my eyes shoot open, I’m met with at least a foot of snow, a wall of it created by where it blew up against the door.
I quickly try to close it, the snow starting to fall into the cabin, but I fail, and suddenly I’m standing in a pile of snow that should be outside.
“Fuck!” Alex yells, and it startles me. “You can’t just open the fucking door.”
“Oh my fucking god, don’t scream at me.” I cover my face with my hands, trying to calm the ache in my head that has grown with the booming sound of Alex’s voice.
“We don’t have a shovel. How the fuck are we supposed to get this out of here? “Alex asks, but I can hear the annoyance in his voice as if I purposely flooded our makeshift house with snow.
“Settle the fuck down, Alex. I’ll deal with it since you’re being such a fucking baby about it.” I huff, shoving past him, grabbing a serving spoon and a pot.
“Sorry, Laney,” Alex says, letting out a hard sigh, scrubbing his hands over his face. “I feel like shit and I know you do too.”
It feels like when one of us is doing well, the other is falling apart. I guess that’s better than both of us being a fucking mess.
Iforce myself to stand up, the room spinning a little thanks to the half a bottle of bourbon I drank on a mostly empty stomach last night. My head is pounding, but more than that, I really need to take a piss. And probably brush my teeth too.
“Come on, give it to me,” I say, walking over to where she’s attempting to scoop up the snow that’s come in when she opened the door with a pot.
She looks up at me, her eyes tired and a little bloodshot. “I got it,” she says.
I shake my head, slipping my feet into the boots by the front door before grabbing my jacket. I still need to clear all the fucking snow that’s built up overnight anyway, so I may as well do that so I can at least find the outhouse. God knows I don’t feel like whipping my dick out in this blizzard.
Jesus, is it ever going to stop snowing? At this rate, we’ll be fucking buried in it before they can even start looking for us. As it stands, the snow is already halfway up the side of the cabin and it’s still falling.
Shivering as the wind hits me, I grab the piece of plywood I found and start carving a path from the front door of the cabin like I’ve done the last two mornings. I glance back briefly to see Delaney lift her head and offer me a quick smile that’s half apology, half appreciation.
I know she didn’t mean to snap at me just then, just like I didn’t mean to snap at her. This whole fucking situation is bad enough and then we go and throw a hangover into the mix. Probably not the smartest idea.
We work in silence, Delaney clearing out the cabin and me making a path out front. By the time I’m done, I’m fucking freezing and I head into the outhouse to piss in record time, only to find Delaney waiting outside, jumping up and down as she blows on her hands.
I wait for her to go, not liking the idea of her being out here alone even though it’s only a short walk back to the cabin. She gives me a surprised look when she comes out and I just smile, offering her my elbow before we practically run back to the cabin.
“Fuck, it’s freezing out there,” I say holding my hands in front of the fire as Delaney huddles in beside me trying to warm up too.
“Think this snow is ever going to stop?” she asks.
I glance down. “Fuck knows. Probably needs to before we have any chance of being rescued though.”
She nods and I realize that was probably a shitty thing to say, considering the last few days. I’m supposed to be the strong one, reminding her that we are in this together and that we will get through this. I open my mouth to apologize but she beats me to it.
“Well, on that happy note, you want breakfast or are you too hungover?”