“I don’t take orders from you.”

The sarcastic laugh leaves my throat, but my hand flies to his and I’m lifting him in the air with one hand. I wait until he’s eye level with me before I say my next words. “You may not work for her, but she is mine,and if a single hair on her head is touched by you or anyone else, I’m not going to kill you, Jordan. I’ll get Killian here to find out your darkest and deepest fears and bring them all to life before killing you. Do you understand?”

He doesn’t, but he nods anyway. I drop him back to the floor and Cartier is at the door, glaring at me. “Are you fucking done?”

I wipe my hands on Killian, turning my back to her. “I mean it, Cartier. There’ll be a bloodbath if I get back and you’re not here.” Once I hit the stairwell, my eyes laser into hers. “And you know I can…”

Jogging down the stairs, we all head out of The Castle to a waiting SUV. There’s three in a line and Bishop and Nate wind the window down at the front.

Bishop whistles. “He’s about a two-hour flight away. Didn’t get far for whatever reason.” I don’t ask any more questions. I want to get the fuck on this plane and get some fucking answers.

The flight is quick. With a cargo full of ammunition, I’m thankful that we don’t need to fly back overseas to do this because I’m not so sure we have enough pull to bypass international security. Just the ones in Romania. We’re jumping into waiting SUVs with the security loading up the last of the cargo into the trunk spaces when my phone goes off in my pocket. We split into four SUVs, with Kenan, Lilith, and Ky rolling with The Kings.

“What?” I don’t bother to see who is calling me.

“We have a problem.” I don’t want to hear those words coming out of Jordan’s mouth because I know it has something to do with Cartier. “She’s gone. She left a note.”

“A what?” I bark down the phone and everyone in the car jumps. “What the fuck do you mean, she left a note?” That little fucking bitch. She waited until I was on the plane before she did something stupid.

I wave my arm in the air to force King to drive forward. I have no doubt in my mind we’re about to see her in less than ten minutes, and I have no doubt in my mind that my hands are going to find themselves around her throat. Not for pleasure this time. I’m straight up going to die today because I’m going to fucking kill her.

“She just said, ‘You’re not the only liar in this game.’” He pauses. “The next part she asks to make sure you’re all in the room on speaker before I say it.”

“What?” I snap, my patience hanging painfully close to the fucking edge because this motherfucker wants to die.

“I need to say the next part when everyone is present. Are all The Brothers and Kenan there?” Panic rips through my muscles, and I have the urge to turn the car around and get back on that plane. An emptiness stretches out the farther away we move from the airplane when I realize something is wrong.

“Stop the car!” I yell before tapping King. “Get Kyrin on the line and put him on speaker.”

King doesn’t hesitate when the car is pulled to the side of the road and the dial tone is loud around the car.

“Put me on speaker too,” Jordan says, and I hit the button just as Kyrin picks up.

“What are you idiots doing? We have to get to Dominic.”

“Something is wrong. Cartier has done a runner again and has left a note. Jordan has said that we all need to hear her next words after confessing that she’s a fucking liar.”

Kyrin stays silent. “Speak.”

Jordan blows out a deep breath. “Before I say these next words, I need you to know, Keaton, that I know about Kissime. I know that you saved her and hid her in Kiznitch. I know that she’s Delila’s other daughter, and for whatever reason I’m sure you have, you hid her to protect her. Amie told me everything. She then passed on this note to me and told me to read it out loud once you’re all together. After I say these words, the blanket you’ve been put under will evaporate and you’ll be left with nothing but the truth. The real truth this time.” Jordan pauses. I don’t have time to think about her finding out about Kissime, because he chants… “In our messed-up way, the cherry will always symbolize our bond. We grew as a pair from the earth and shared the same flesh and blood. When one is disconnected from the other, we rot and die. I rot… and die.” The words crumble to the floor and colorful pictures flood into my mind like a time warp being sucked into another dimension. Colors spin around me so fast I can’t breathe. After a second, I inhale deeply at the same time as everyone else in the car and rage burns to the top of all the other emotions I’m feeling.

“She didn’t…” King says, almost to himself. The first to break the silence. “Why the fuck would Kissime do this? Did Cartier know?”

“I don’t think Cartier knew until Kissime told her, too,” Killian mutters, the only one bold enough to speak.

Kyrin gasps through the phone, and I almost think he’s crying when I turn to face Killian, who is staring at me from the passenger seat. They’re all looking at me. Waiting. Almost begging for me to say something.


But all I feel is rage.

“What just happened?” Kenan whispers out loud.

My teeth clench together before I finally say, “Delila. Our fabrication wasn’t real. Dominic Stranger being that to her wasn’t real. Delila used Dominic for whatever reason. Us taking her and putting her in that cell wasn’t real. It was all part of Delila’s fabrication. She made us think Dominic was the issue. From the grave, she played us fucking all!”

“It wasn’t her fault, Keaton!” Kyrin’s next to speak, but I don’t want to hear what he has to say. “She was played too.”