“That was all he implied. I figured out the rest.” I’m ignoring the movement happening near the fireplace. “So when I saw Eli finally at the bar a few months ago, there was a band that was playing. I had heard them before with Nial the day that we were followed. I felt…” I pause. I know what I should say, but it’s whether I want to because I know it’s going to sound real once it comes out of my mouth. “Weird when they played.”

“Hmmm, my kind of weird?” Kill asks from the sofa opposite. I like this room of The Castle. It sits like an atrium in the center of the building, with archways that lead off to different areas of the house.

“Yes. Kind of, but more drunk.” I shake my head. “Anyway, when I met with Eli at the bar, I saw the band playing again. Eli and I were mid-convo when I fainted.” I word quote with my fingers over the word fainted. “I woke up in another room, where Dominic and Bam Bam were. They warned me not to chase Eli again or there would be consequences. I came back, and that’s the last I heard.”

“So wait… Bam Bam trained you for an entire year, but he’s with Dominic?” Killian asks, confused.

“Yes. I don’t know why or how that all happened.”

“Are you still in contact with Eli?” Nate pipes in, changing the subject, which I’m thankful for.

“I am off and on. We text each other every now and then.”

Nate’s eyes shift to Kyrin. “And you?”

Kyrin nods.

“Okay, so here’s what we know…” Bishop pauses, and I watch as the wrinkle in the middle of his forehead crinkles. “Dominic Stranger is obviously Brantley’s uncle. His daughter was Bailey, who passed away recently. He has always been a piece of shit, so I’m not worried about him. At least, not to the extent that I should be. He is deranged, but he’s also well connected. We caught wind that he had been planning to take over Midnight Mayhem last month, but he was needing a sponsor.”

I wave my hand in front of me. “Ta-da—you all. He clearly needs The Elite Kings.”

Bishop shakes his head slowly, as if I should know better. “No. His sponsor was actually Kaius. He obviously tried with us, but money was all he could offer, and like you all, money isn’t something we need.” Something isn’t adding up. It feels like there’s a line missing in a timeline that none of us know.

“Well, this is all great. So when do we leave?” I clap, my skin itching to get out of this room. I feel like I’m suffocating being in the same area as Keaton right now.

“Here’s the other kicker—” Nate turns his pretty face around on us all. “They’re in Kiznitch.”

“What?” My phone vibrates against my ribs in my jacket pocket and I reach for it aimlessly. “Where?”

“They don’t know we are here, they know you’re here, but not us. We need to be smart. Keep them thinking they’re a step ahead.”

Looking down at my phone, I see an unknown number flash over the screen. I ignore it.

“So what time?” King asks.

“Tonight at twelve.”

“Perfect. Come. I’ll show you where you’re both sleeping.” King and Kill take Nate and Bishop with them, and I finally have a second with Kyrin.

“You fucked Eli?” Kyrin’s dark brow is arched to his hairline. I know when Kyrin is mad. And he’s not at this.

“I did. Look, it was weird. Well, no, it wasn’t weird. It was explosive when we first met and I found an instant connection with him. We had sex and then laughed and said let’s not do that again.”

Kyrin’s mouth curves downward and he nods. “Seems fair. Not going to lie.”

Lilith chuckles, leaning up and kissing Kyrin on the temple. “We get him back tonight. No distractions.” Kyrin seems to stiffen beneath her touch, and that’s the third time that I’ve noticed how uncomfortable they each become at different times.

“So Eli was smart, only hitting it once?” Keaton finally breaks the silence between us. My mouth opens to answer him back when my vibrating phone distracts me.

“Told you I’m not involved in this…” Ky and Lilith move out of the room, and then it’s just Keaton, Kenan, bitch with the dark hair, Jordan, and Christopher.

“It would seem so.” I smile up at Keaton from the other side of the room.

“Do you wanna ask me something, Mina?” My blood turns to ice at the use of a new nickname. I know why he’s doing it. To antagonize me.

My phone vibrates again in my hand, but I stand paralyzed by the way his eyes feel against my exposed skin. They shift down, past the slit exposing my stomach, to my legs, before traveling back up.

I swipe to unlock it. “Not anymore.” I walk toward the archway that I know leads me to the kitchen, bringing my phone to my ear. “Hello?”