It’s quiet. The kind of silence that exists for mourning, or right before your boyfriend is about to break your heart. I’ve never had my heart broken. I never thought much about that until now. I’m twenty, and I’ve never had my heart broken because only one man has ever had the chance to hold it.

We stop outside a large white house with a wraparound porch. Sprinklers spray all over the plush green lawn.

“Is it possible that whoever this is, is Kiznitch or Elite Kings? I mean, this is money…”

I lean over Lilith, pushing the window button down, but it doesn’t work.

“I’m not allowing you to do that, Cartier. I don’t know if it’s safe.” Jordan doesn’t say another word as he checks the barrel of his gun.

“It is quiet.” Lilith’s voice is a notch above a whisper.

“I know…” There isn’t any movement outside the house. Almost as though no one lives here.

After our escape from Patience a few months ago, I feel confident with Lilith. I know she’s got my back, as I do hers.

“Let’s go check it out…” I pat my ankle, feeling the holster and the knife in my pocket. I can fight. I fight well, but it’s still good to know I have a couple of weapons on me just in case I find myself locked in combat with multiple men.

“Wait—” Lilith’s hand is on my arm and I rest backward. “Eli hasn’t told you anything?”

“Nothing.” I shake my head and reach for the door handle.

“Why?!” Lilith grinds her teeth and I watch firsthand when her anger surfaces. Poor Eli. He’s going to have her wrath in the palm of his hand when this is all over.

“I don’t know, but something tells me Dom has a plan, and whatever that plan is, it involves Eli. That’s all I have right now.”

I reach for the door handle again, Lilith following closely behind. Jordan knows the drill. As much as it pains him to watch me walk into a house that could possibly be filled with traps, he still takes orders from me.

I jog lightly up the driveway, ducking beneath an overgrown tree that falls over the road.

Lilith closes in behind me. “Why are the lights off?”

“I don’t know.” I pull my knife out of the holster in my jeans. “I’ve changed my mind.”

“What do you mean?” Lilith’s whispers are a little too loud, but with all the anxiety she’s probably dealing with right now, with finding out about Eli being alive, and then him being alive but now accessible, I’ll give it to her.

“Look!” I gesture toward the house. The door is slightly ajar, and even though it looks like the lights are off, there seems to be a flicker of light coming from the window upstairs.

“Oh.” She puts one foot in front of the other, and before I can stop her, she’s running up the stairs and to the front door.

“Dammit, Lilith!” Crazy bitch. I find myself once again pissed that I brought her. Yes, I feel safe with her because after we both escaped Patience, I learned that not only does she look pretty, but she can fight dirty. Very well. I wonder why she didn’t ask how I could fight when that all happened?

I follow behind her, looking over my shoulder as I climb the steps two at a time. Shoving open the door, I pause at the threshold, listening for movement. The lights are off downstairs, blanketed in darkness, but lucky for me, one of my training was other sight. Using other areas from your defense system when one is shot.

A tap drips slowly.

A clock ticks.

A single creak from the floorboards upstairs.

I jump to life and run up the stairs, looking for the light that’s coming from the bedroom.

“Lilith!” My need to know that she’s okay outweighs my other thoughts as I push open the door that flashes light from below.

A single TV is sitting on a cart where a video recording is playing in grungy quality.


“You are going to be the best asset.” The man slid down the wall directly in front of me, his eyes searching mine. They called him Mr. Strange, and it suited him. It really did. Only he wasn’t strange. I understood him. I knew what he liked and didn’t. He wasn’t strange. “Do you want to be a good girl for me?”