
“We’re not killing her.” Kyrin pointed around the room with the finger that held the cigarette. “She’s my fucking sister. We have to save her.”

“Save her?” Killian snorted, and I watched carefully between the two of them. “That bitch is laced up to Daddy Dom like nothing I’ve ever seen before.”

“She’s been groomed…” I said the words the rest of them seemed to dance around. Kyrin flinched. I felt for him. Who knew Kyrin did have a heart, it just belonged to his long-lost psycho little sister sitting in cell four. Who also fucking kissed me. “Clearly.”

“She won’t break.” Kyrin shoved his hands into his hair. “We need another way to make her leave with us.”

“Hold up!” Kill flipped a chair around and lowered onto the plastic. “Did Delila tell you why? Why we needed her right now and what the fuck Dom was doing with her?”

King shook his head, glaring up at the ceiling. The room we were in was what separated the cells and the stairs that led to the main level of The Castle here at The Village. “No. She said it’s between Kaius and Dom.”

My teeth clenched together so hard they almost cracked. “That motherfucker.”

King picked up a chair and slammed it onto the ground. “I don’t want to believe it, but I always knew he was rotten.”

“—says the people who have a fourteen-year-old girl locked in the basement.”

I leaned forward. “You say that like it’s a new thing?” My brows hit my hairline when Killian shook his head. “I know what we need to do, but I want two things to happen.”

All of their eyes shifted to me.

I raised a finger. “One, get Delila on the phone.” I find Kill. “Hope your mind tricks are ready, because we’re about to make her believe she’s been with us all along.”

Killian shifted forward, his devious eyes gleaming on mine. “Fuck, I love how fucked up you are.” He clapped his hands. “Let’s do this.”