“Everyone is. Be right back.” He disappears like a tornado of energy. So much for trying to keep it under wraps, but I should have known that news travels through like wildfire.

I shift to face Keaton, lifting my lips to his jaw to place a kiss on the sharp edge before running my tongue farther back near his ear. “Thought you could get rid of me?” It makes sense now. Kyrin, not wanting him and me to be together, had to do with Keaton doing what he does. Keaton saying he’s going to lose me. “Why would you think that would change anything between us?”

He laughs darkly, but it’s more sarcastic than anything. “Oh, how I wish it was that simple.”

Kohen sits on the other side of Lilith, and I watch as they both exchange a conversation. Everyone knows that Dove and Lilith are close, and have been for a long time. I never thought much about that until right now. We still haven’t addressed the other crew, I’m guessing we will be doing that when we get back, but what are her thoughts on that? What about how Kohen has known about this all along and not said a single word—or did he, and that’s how King knew that night?

So much to unpack, yet all I’ve been focused on is Keaton and me. In hindsight, I know that’s what my job is, but I really need to get better at looking over people. Delila knew what everyone was doing and when they were doing it. Fatigue trickles into the marrow of my bones. That sounds exhausting.

Kenan’s back opposite us, lying flat with a glass of whiskey in his hand as the plane takes off. From New York to Kiznitch is about ten hours, since we’re bypassing Bucharest and landing straight on home soil. I love everything about Kiznitch, especially during these months. December to March is winter, so the ground will be dusted in glowing white snow, and all of the high set ancient buildings will be iced gingerbread houses. I’m most excited to be back in Kiznitch and at The Castle, and less to see The Kings since I don’t know what we will be walking in on. They’ve never been hostile to us before, but they take care of their own, much like we do. Sometimes a common ground with people is the same to start a war on.

Kenan quietens and I slide my AirPods back into my ears, pressing on “Need You Most” from The Kid LAROI. I know when I should fill silence with words and my presence when it comes to Keaton, and right now isn’t one of those times. Especially after making it known that I know his darkest secret.

The flight continues until we’re descending. I slide over to the window and peek down below, watching as the clouds separate around us. Kiznitch comes into view, the little town and famous bridge, and just above that, I see the stone castle built into the cliff side of a bank. Fuzzy warmth fills me inside when I see it. My childhood was spent here more than it was in New York. I guess it had a lot to do with my brother and him keeping me away from Midnight Mayhem, but I loved it. I played down the concrete halls and roasted marshmallows in the fireplace in my bedroom. Whenever Keaton was in Kiznitch, which at one point was a lot, he would visit me. It was never for long, and once I hit high school, I stayed in New York, which made it easier for him to come to me.

At all times.

Keaton’s phone vibrates on the table, and out of habit, my eyes shift to the screen. A photo of a brunette girl with blood-red lips flashes over the screen and I watch his reaction to her. He swipes up his phone and unlocks to answer it, sliding out of the booth and moving to the back of the plane.

“That was weird,” Kenan muses. I didn’t realize he was awake because he had been so quiet.

“Was it?” I look directly at Kenan as he pushes himself up from lying down. “That coke might be shit. You slept the entire time.”

“Ah, that’s because I’m saving it for before the red reunion.” Oh God. When will he stop saying red reunion?

“Was that weird?” I ask again, turning to face the back.

“She was hot,” Kenan answers smoothly, and I glare at him. Kenan is a pretty creature when he’s not moving his mouth. “If I’m being honest, you’re probably both on the same playing field as far as looks are concerned, but did you read her name? She’s Kiznitch through and through, which means she’s most likely crazy as fuck. Like you too.”

I ignore his comments and look at Lilith, who is already watching me. She taps her phone and I read her text on mine just as the plane’s tires skid on the tarmac.

Lil: What is it?

Me: I don’t know. Her name was Kissime and she had long dark hair and big lips. Kind of looked like Saskia. Fml.

Lilith: No one looks like Saskia. Bet she’s just a Brother’s groupie. Don’t sweat it.

Me: Have you met their groupies?

My eyes fly up to see her reaction, and I have to choke on my laugh when her lip curls.

Lilith: No. Should we go find some?

Oh God. As soon as the plane stops, I push out of the booth and grab Kenan by the wrist to drag him out with me. If Keaton wants to stay behind and talk to his Kissime, he can do that. I won’t be here waiting. Frustration and jealousy pool inside of me, and when it stirs, it roars.

“We’ll meet you at The Castle,” Ky says as I push past them all.

I smile over my shoulder. “Yes—” Winking at Lilith. “We will.”

“I’m all for forced proximity, Ice Queen, but I’d prefer if you were naked while doing it,” Kenan mumbles as I fly down the stairs to the tarmac and take the first car I see. There’s a Lambo, a Porsche, a McLaren, a Merc, and a BMW, along with a few others for security and all of that. Keaton just loves that McLaren anytime he’s in Kiznitch.

Snatching the keys from the waiting driver standing beside it, I slip into the driver’s seat. “I don’t need a driver.” Kenan closes the passenger door and laughs as I fire the car up and feel it purr beneath my ass.

“Mmmm, no wonder he loves this car.”

Kenan opens his phone and clicks the camera app, swiping to the video. Kenan is widely known for his TikTok content with Midnight Mayhem. He actually has the most followers out of everyone because he posts the most content, and it’s good content.

He turns the lens onto me. “Our Ice Queen is disrupting the one and only—” The phone shifts, and I turn just in time to see Keaton stepping down the stairs and onto the tarmac. “Dracula… muaahahahaha!”