He gently places me on his lap as Kaius starts talking. “Eli didn’t leave to protect Cartier.” He leans back in his chair, shrugging. “Well, he did, but didn’t. He actually left for three reasons. One, was because Dominic did indeed want Cartier…” Kaius pauses, his eyes zeroing in on Keaton and Kyrin. “For, let’s just say, reasons.” I feel Keaton stiffen beneath me, as if a silent warning passed over his skin. “But the other reason was because there’s a war brewing, and Dominic has been targeting Kiznitch for as long as I can remember. What he is now lacking, since we took out Patience, is an ally—and that’s where Eli comes in.”

“What the fuck are you saying, old man, and I’d choose your next words very carefully because Lilith’s trigger finger isn’t as patient as the blood that pumps through her veins,” King warns.

Kaius stares at all of us. “The Kings. They’re who Dominic wants. The Kings know this, and they planted Eli in with him, much like he did with us.”

“The Kings wouldn’t turn on us,” King murmurs, leaning his elbows on the dining table. “So what other lies you got?”

“But you’re wrong. The Kings take care of their own, and they do it well.”

“Lucky for them.” I sneer at Kaius, grinding my teeth. God, but I hate this man. Leaning against the table, I move the drinks out of my way. “So how are you going to help us get Eli back?”

“Son…” Kingston’s mother speaks, breaking the tension. She pauses before continuing. “This has been hard for us all. He didn’t do this with Delila, your grandpa didn’t either. It’s all a lie, son.”

King slowly stands from the table, and I watch as his shadow spreads over the wood. It happens in slow motion. Kingston’s hand finds a knife on the table, and in two seconds he flings it across the space and it stabs straight between Kaius’ eyes. They widen in shock for two seconds, before I watch the life slowly bleed out of them.

“That’s a Father gone. Poof. Just like that.” King’s tone is low and challenging. Everyone quietens. “From now on, you don’t mean shit. Everything is run by us and what we say goes.” King falls back onto his chair, picks up a bottle of whiskey, and stares blankly at his father’s corpse. King worshipped him. He loved him as much as any son loved his father. Guilt rips through me when I realize part of why he did this was for me.

“King, I—”

“It wasn’t just for you, Cartier.” He looks around at Keres, Kian, Kallisto, and The Mothers. “There’s an order that we all must follow and he didn’t. We couldn’t trust him. Is there anyone else we can’t trust here tonight?” Silence. He leans back in his chair. “Good. Now I’m getting drunk.” Pushing away from the table, I watch as he disappears inside, stopping to say something to Jordan and Christopher briefly before continuing.

“Should you go follow him?” I ask Keaton.

He turns to face me, using his thumb to swipe the partly dried blood off my cheek. “Nah, I need to be with you.” My heart trips over its valves when he grabs me by the ass and spreads my legs over his lap, placing a kiss on my lips. “Baby?”

“Hmmm?” I ask, burying my fingers in his hair. I feel his cock harden against my clit and I fight a groan.

His eyes search mine, his brows pulled in. It looks cute, seeing Keaton with such a gentle look on his face. “You want me to kill the others who knew what they did to you?” His voice is so smooth. He could have been asking me about my favorite color.

My fingers pause, and I connect them behind his wide neck, sighing. “No. I trust that you guys will do what you’ve got to do from now on.”

“Mmmm, true.” He leans in and kisses me so gently that it kills all the butterflies he had planted inside of me all those years ago, leaving their ghosts behind. “We need to go check on him, but first, I think it’s time to gather up the weapons and storm Dominic Stranger once and for all.” Kyrin surprisingly ignores Keaton’s PDA. He’s still talking with Killian, and I know what their conversation is about. My memory.

“I agree,” Lilith pipes in, and I finally pry Keaton’s hands off my body to turn around and face our friends. I wriggle my ass into his crotch and a hand flies to my hip, squeezing roughly. As soon as Keaton has seen what Killian is going to show him, I know he’s going to need an outlet. “What are you thinking, Car?” Lilith adds.

“Well.” I run circles around the end of my glass. “I’m thinking we need to do that, but we also need to sit down with The Kings and go over where they stand. I’ve already set up a meeting with Bishop that’s happening in Kiznitch in two days, so after we all perform the blood oath, we can do that together. Then we can get Eli back and burn everyone to the ground.”

Kyrin’s looking back at Keaton now, his eyes slightly narrowed. God. When is he going to give it up, and what is his actual fucking problem? He’s taking it worse than even I imagined, and I imagined it pretty bad.

“The show must go on here, so I’ll stay behind with Perse and make sure everything runs smoothly. Where are we flying to after this?” Saskia flips open her clutch and takes out her phone. “To Greece? We’ve never done Greece before!”

“I know.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her from behind my glass. “Figured we should change that. It also gives the crew a big distraction and gets them away from any crossfire.”

Sass sighs, touching her hand to her heart. “I love Greece. I have an inner slut that comes out whenever I’m in Mykonos. I call her Mykonos Mik, and—”

Killian’s hand is over her mouth. “The only slut you’ll be is mine. Shut the fuck up.”

Keaton’s laughter shakes my body. “Okay, it’s settled.” I cross my leg over the other. “Saskia and Perse will stay behind to run the shows, and we will fly to Kiznitch to handle this problem. When we get back, we will organize Greece and get everyone there for Mykonos Mik. Try to keep it under wraps. I don’t want others finding out.”

Sass nods like a little child just being told she can have a second piece of cake. “Don’t worry, we have enough help. I’m sure we can get a set to fill in for The Brothers too.”

Killian pulls her into his chest and sucks her whole ass mouth into his. “You’re sexy as fuck with murder around you.”

She shoves him away. “First of all, don’t bring your weird killer vibes near me, it doesn’t go with my outfit, and second of all, it’s not good for the preg—” We all gasp.

Killian rolls his eyes, tsking and tossing his arms in the air. “Two days, Saskia. Two fucking days ago you found out, and I told you to wait until you were six weeks.”

“Oops.” She didn’t even look upset.