Kaius shifts his focus to me and the table falls quiet. “Don’t forget your role, Cartier.”

“Oh, I haven’t.” I lean forward just enough. “But that wasn’t the area you trained me on, was it?” I continue around the table, slowly making my way to their side. I stop behind Kallisto, patting his head. “So tell me. Why the fuck are you needing our girls?”

Kaius’ face turns dark. His eyes more hooded and his lip sneering in arrogance. “Because we have another crew.”

“You what?” King grinds out, so low I almost miss it.

“And guess who runs it?” Kaius looks to Perse. “Little Dove Hendry.”

A chuckle vibrates from my chest. “You smug bastard. That goes against the rules.” I can’t say I’m surprised about Dove. Somehow, she has managed to spin herself into a web within The Fathers. Her anger toward all of us is deep-rooted, and nothing and no one can pull those weeds out. Even Kenny, who is Kaius’ loyal lap dog, seems to sit quietly in the corner. I imagine not for long because Kenny is a lot of things, but quiet isn’t one of them.

“Well, lucky for us—” Kenny finally stands up from his chair near all the sex, coming toe-to-toe with me. I block Kenny out of my mind a lot of the time. “The people who made them are dead.” It’s obvious how quiet the other Fathers are, and The Mothers; had Kaius pushed them too far too?

A gun cocks, tearing through the tension in the air, and I don’t have to look to know where it came from. I straighten my shoulders and bat my lashes up at Kenny, a false sense of strength pulling me through like a puppeteer on a string. “Hmmm, what do you think, Kaius?” I don’t take my eyes off Kenny. His dark hair slicked back, showing his sharp widow’s peak. “Is now also a good time to tell Keaton that Kenny was the man who trained me in sexual manipulat—” A gunshot rips through the air and bloody brain matter sprays all over my face and chest. I reach up to swipe the goo from my eyes. “Great. Just great, Keaton.”

“You little fucking shit!” Kaius roars, pushing up from the table. Everyone else is silent as I quickly launch forward and reach for the knife between my tits, swinging my arm around Kaius in a headlock with the knife against his throat.

“Now, now—” I smirk up to where Keaton stands, holding two guns. One directed at Kaius, and the other at Keres. “You and I both know Keaton isn’t exactly little.”

“Cartier—” Klaus slowly pushes up from the table with his arms raised. “You don’t want to be doing that. None of you have what it takes to kill your own fathers.”

“Hmmm—” King and Killian both murmur. I watch as Lilith slides out from beneath the table, making it known that she too is ready to jump when needed. “I don’t know about that. I’m pretty sure there have been some details we’ve been left out of. One, being what Cartier just said then—new crew aside.” King brings his eyes to mine, and I watch as they soften for me. “What else did they make you do?”

“Killian.” The only name I have to say, and everyone knows what I’m demanding.

Kill moves swiftly around the table, and I watch as The Mothers and Fathers follow his movement with horror.

“You can’t do this!” Kaius wails from beneath my knife. “You signed a blood oath, just like Delila did, as did who was before her!”

“I’m not Delila, Kaius! I thought we got through this already.” I tug the knife farther into his skin without breaking it.

Killian stands beside me, and Lilith is on the other. She takes the knife from my grip and presses it even farther against Kaius’ throat. “Hi! I’m Lilith. I don’t like old men like you very much, so I can’t promise that my hand will stay steady and I won’t accidentally slice your throat.” She giggles, her manic eyes widening. “Whoops!”

I look up at Killian, nodding. “Go at it.”

I didn’t know why I needed to be here. At this house. Kaius’ house was big, extravagant, and private. I’d heard of a lot of nasty shit that would go on with The Fathers, but I never paid close attention. Until now because I had to.

I climbed the stairs as Jordan and Christopher followed behind me.

“What is this training for?” Jordan asked from the step below, as I followed the instructions from the text message I received earlier.

“I don’t know. I kind of am just going with it.” It’s still only my first year.

“You’re only in your first year, so it can’t be that much,” Christopher added, just as I reached the final step. I looked down the hallway and counted the rooms. Two large wooden doors sat at the end, and I knew that’s the one I had to go through.

“I don’t know. I’ve already killed someone, learned to fight, ran maths that I never knew existed, and learned some type of weird hacker coding shit. What else is left?”

My hand rested on the handle, and Christopher’s came to mine.


“What?” I looked at him over my shoulder. “I know how to have sex. How is that important?”

“Cartier, you’re the embodiment of Midnight Mayhem. Sex is important.” His words stuck to the back of my mind like glue, and I swallowed past my nerves.

“If you do not want to do this, we will leave.”

“It’s not about what I want, Jordan. It’s what I have to do. We all have our roles, and I guess this is now mine.”