Metallic liquid sits on the back of my throat as I glare at Kyrin through damp lashes. Blood stings my eyes when I rub my palm over them. “You done?” We’re sitting opposite each other on the floor like two fucking toddlers who can’t use their words to resolve an issue.

Kyrin tenses his jaw. “You just had to. You just fucking had to fuck with her!”

I’m bored with the back and forth. “Shut the fuck up, Ky. The days of you controlling her were over the second you planted Eli on babysitting duties.”

Kyrin launches forward, but Kill catches him by the back of his now torn shirt, yanking him back in place.

I rest my head against the wall, swallowing back clots of blood while keeping my eyes locked on the ceiling. “You’re thinking too much into it.”

After a second, Kyrin lets out a bark of laughter. “Motherfucker, you have made it so much worse for yourself. You think when she finds out, she’s going to want you? You, my fucking brother, have just signed her fucking loss of humanity paperwork because when she finds out? It’s over, Keaton. Done.”

Her eyes swirled with a kind of carnage I wanted to fuck right out of her. She was a savage hidden in feathers. Fuck, but I needed to feel her around me. I hated myself for it too and would never admit it to Kohen or Kill.

“What?” She leaned forward a little farther until her lips grazed mine. “Not so sure about wanting me now, huh?”

My hand flew to her throat and I clenched around the delicate organ, hissing when I felt it crunch beneath my grip. “Heard you’re a daddy’s girl.”

“You heard right,” she sneered defiantly.

Shoving her against the concrete wall so hard her head bounced off it, I leaned down until my lips touched the shell of her ear. “So then be a daddy’s girl…”

Her knee flew up, hitting me right in the dick and I fell backward, releasing her throat. “Fuck!”

“Not even if I found you in a club!”

“You did find me in a club!” I snapped, contemplating cracking Kill’s neck since he’s laughing on the other side of the cell.

She leaned down as I stood straight, and I towered over her with my fists clenched on either side of my body. “I told you. I’m not like the other hostages you have here. All the little birds too afraid to fly.”

I shoved her backward and slipped out of her cell, slamming the door closed behind me.

“Brother, I think you may have just met your match.”

Yeah, and she’s about to fucking burn like one.

I paused once we passed another cell, one where a boy a few months older than Kerry sat, his knees raised to his chest and his head hanging between his arms. “Kenan.”

Slowly, he lifted his head and the glint of dried blood over half of his face stared back at me. “Yeah?”

I tilted my head. “You ready?”

“Yeah.” He stood. “About fucking time.”

He strolled past me and headed for the door as Kill chuckled from behind. “What’s your plan with her? We can’t kill her or fuck her, so now what?”

“Now I fucking break her.”

“She won’t find out.” I narrow my eyes on Kyrin as the final word leaves my mouth like a threat. Because it is. I will fucking cut his tongue out of his mouth if he even breathes a word about it.

Kyrin pushes up from the floor, spitting a mouthful of blood in front of me. “And that is exactly why I never wanted you near her.”

I wince. For the first time in all my years, words affected me in a way that made me want to crawl away into a shell and hide. And I don’t fucking hide. I do the finding.

Kyrin stomps up the stairs, and it’s not until he’s out of earshot that Killian opens his mouth. “You know he’s right and has a point.”

“Kill.” I squeeze my eyes closed. “Shut up and get me a drink.”

He chuckles, but it’s Kyrin’s loud and heavy footsteps running back down the stairs that send goose bumps down the back of my neck.