My throat throbs as I swallow. “I—” I search for the words I know he wants. What does that mean? What the hell is he talking about? Is he right? Is that what this is about?

Kyrin’s head shakes from side to side. “Newsflash, baby sis…” he drawls disappointingly as he leans into the side of my cheek. “He doesn’t, he never will, and he’s not capable…”

“Kyrin!” Keaton snaps, and then all hell breaks loose. Kyrin’s fist goes flying into Keaton’s jaw with a crack, but Keaton takes it, his arms wide on either side.

He swipes the blood from his split lip with the back of his hand, smirking up at Kyrin. “I’ll give you that one.” Then he pushes up from the sofa, cracking his neck to the side. “I’d give you one for every time she screamed my name, but then that’d be a death wish—” Kyrin’s fist flies again, and I hear bone fracture as it collides with Keaton’s cheek.

They tumble into the lounge room, and just as Keaton drags Kyrin to his feet, I drag my attention away from the two idiots, coming back to Lilith. I’ll leave King and Kill to deal with it.

Lilith hands me the phone and I take it, nudging my head toward the hallway. There’s no way we’ll be able to do anything in here, and the last time Keaton and Kyrin fought, it lasted two hours and they both broke each other’s jaw, and nose, dislocated their arm and leg, fractured a rib to the point Kyrin had internal bleeding and was pissing blood for weeks, and Keaton couldn’t walk properly for three days.

That was over a jump. A fucking trick. This could last longer, and I don’t care to watch two people I care about kill each other.

I close the bedroom door behind me and drop the laptop onto the made bed. “Talk to me.”

“What the fuck is happening over there?” Nial asks, and I put him back on speaker and sink to my knees in front of the bed.

“Kyrin just found out about Keaton and me.”

“Oh. Fuck…”

“Yeah,” I reply, twisting my hair into a topknot on my head.

“But not Eli?”

My eyes bug out and my mouth pops open. I quickly look up at Lilith to find her grinning down at me. God, I love this woman. The most unproblematic and understanding person walking this planet. “Nial!”

“Oh, shit, sorry!”

“I don’t blame you.” Lilith grazes my arm with her hip as she lowers herself down beside me.

“Lilith, this was before all of that and only happened once, I swear. It was stupid too because we both laughed afterward and decided that our bond was two hundred percent platonic.”

“I get it!” Lilith widens her eyes at me. “Chill. I wouldn’t tell your brother for another three months, though, if I were you. He’s…” Her words die off on the end.

We both answer, “Kyrin.”

“Okay, as much as I am living for y’all’s family drama over there, this is important. So I tracked the coordinates to an address in Prague. It looks to be somewhere on the outer edge of Riverton. Do you know where that is?”

I shake my head even though I know he can’t see. “No, but we do have an event with The Fathers tomorrow night, so I’m sure I can look around.”

“Hmph…” Lilith whispers. She turns to face me just as something crashes in the lounge. Neither of us flinches. King’s voice bellows through the plaster boards before there’s more crashing, but I’m too lost in what’s happening right here to care. I’ll deal with both of them later. I knew it was coming. The thing with The Brothers of Kiznitch is that they fight as hard as they love, and Keaton and Kyrin have been the closest out of all of them all of their lives. No one else gets to decide how they feel about each other. Their friendship is their own.

“When you said that you don’t trust Kiznitch, were you talking about The Fathers?” Lilith asks from beside me.

I nod slowly, but it’s Nial who fills her in. “There’s a traitor within that circle. A lot of shady shit going on in there and we’re trying to figure out why. I know E knows what’s happening, but that boy is tight-lipped.”

“Maybe it has something to do with The Elite Kings, that’s why?” Lilith adds, massaging her temples.

Nial slurs, “Yes and no. We know that there’s something going on with Cartier, but you might be right about the EKC too.” He pauses. “I’ve sent you over the coordinates, and don’t you both go alone. I swear to God you don’t know what you’re walking in on and—” I swipe the phone call right, ending the call.

Lilith and I pause for a second, our eyes colliding.

“Are you on the same page as me?” I whisper.

Lilith nods, pushing up from the bed. “Can you still fight as good as you did with Patience?”

“Ha!” I narrow my eyes. “Better, since I couldn’t blow my cover then.”