He stands slowly, swiping his bottom lip with his thumb and sucking me off. “Get inside. I’m not done with you.”

I slide my jeans off my feet and kick them to the side, batting my lashes at him as I pass. “Let’s see how much you really don’t care if Kyrin finds out, hmm?” My hand is on the door handle and a smirk on my mouth. “Leave them there.”

Keaton laughs, flashing his straight teeth. God. Why make evil so beautiful?

He closes the distance between us, reaches for the handle over my hand, and yanks it open. My back is pressed against his hard chest when he leans down to the curve of my ear. “You wanna play that game? Baby…” His teeth scrape over the curve of my shoulder. “I’ve been waiting for this day since I had my dick in you.” He pushes against my ass with a thrust of his hips. “Inside.”

I move through the doorway and head straight for the stairs. Their bus is exactly what you would expect from them. Decked out in black marble, polished timber, and worn leather, it’s everything a bachelor pad would look like. I’m not at all surprised by the fact that Lilith and Luna stay here, though. Lilith isn’t exactly a conventional mother—not that any Kiznitch mother is.

Passing Kyrin’s door, I wince before shoving open Keaton’s and pause once I’m inside, seeing Candi on the sofa near the small bay window that pops out. Keaton’s room is clean, but messy. He’s always had this uncanny ability to somehow keep the balance between the two. I blame it on the fact that he’s a Scorpio, but maybe it’s just because he’s always had a thing for balance.

“Huh.” I tilt my head, scanning her body. She’s wearing a short leather skirt and crop top. Dressed like a true Kiznitch Puppy. They usually hang with the setup crew and they’re usually daughters of the crew.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Keaton slams his door closed and I slowly unzip the front of my top. I’m already bottom naked, and if I stay like this, it feels awkward. There’s power in nudity if you’re a woman.

“I didn’t know she was going to be here—I’ll leave!” Candi stands from the seat.

“Yeah, you fucking will.” Just as she is about to pass him, his hand flies out and squeezes her cheek. “Next time you come up in here without my permission, I’ll kill you. Understand?” Her blue eyes flash with fear, wrinkles crinkling on her forehead from her shock.

I roll my eyes and kick off my Jordans, reaching for her hand. “Don’t listen to him.” I bat my lashes up at Keaton before slowly sucking Candi’s finger into my mouth.

Keaton’s eyes narrow the same time he grabs me from around my wrist, yanking me out of her grip. A loud laugh ripples out of me. Keaton points to the door and glares at Candi. “Get the fuck out now.”

In his wrath, I dance my way to his bed and drop down onto the end. Poor Candi stammers out with her tail between her legs.

Keaton stares back down at me from the other side of the room. “Oh, you think that’s funny?”

I chuckle. “Yeah, I do actually.”

“And why’s that?” He takes a calculated step forward. My smile remains, but I’m painfully aware of the dangerous ground I’m treading on. Keaton doesn’t give warnings, he exists, and you have to figure out whether he’s about to fuck you or kill you.

“I think it’s funny when you lose your grip on control, Keaton.” I lean forward, my hands on the bed. “You expected me to be jealous that she was here. You didn’t expect me to want to fuck her in front of you.”

“I won’t share you, Cartier…” He takes the final step, his knees touching mine.

I peer up at him, licking my lips. “That’s cute, Keaton, but that’s not how this works. I don’t sit back and watch you fuck her and then not get any—”

His hand is around my jaw. “I. Won’t. Share. You.”

I clench my teeth together, fire burning beneath my flesh. He has never been this possessive, at least not this obvious about it. The Brothers are all supposed to be into sharing, but right now, it’s looking like the end of a generational curse. “I don’t give a fuck. If you put your dick in someone else, guess what? One’s coming inside me too.”

He tenses, his lips curling upward as he bares his teeth. I know he’s hanging by a thread of patience right now, but I also know he wouldn’t harm a hair on my head. My tongue rests on my upper lip to hide my grin. “You—”

“—I won’t.”

His grip loosens enough for me to open my mouth farther. “Won’t what?” Confusion warps my mind, but I don’t have time to figure anything else out because right now, his eyes are on mine and his mouth is slightly parted, as if he’s concentrating hard on what to say next.

“I won’t fuck, kiss, touch anyone that isn’t you.”

I search his features, bringing my hand to his chest. My finger hovers over the tattoo on his hip, the casket with a cherry carved into the wood. “Please don’t say that.”

He leans down, hands resting on either side of my body. “I don’t fucking say it lightly, but I mean it.”

“Keaton, I—”

He stands straight again, his thumb sliding between the cushion of my lips. “Bite.”

I wrap them around and flick my tongue over the base.