“You have a problem in cell four. She’s not wanting to budge.”

My eyes closed as I pressed the button again. “I got it.”

Slamming the walkie talkie back onto the coffee table, I yanked open the door as Kohen chuckled loudly from behind. “That’s her, isn’t it?”

Ignoring him, I shoved through the doors and made my way back down the long corridor. My boots slapped against the puddles on the ground until I reached the next door that opened out to the cells, swinging it wide open to the loud banshee screams of a woman. Fuck! I covered my ears with my palms and walked through the small puddles of watered-down blood near the drainage. The cells themselves weren’t bad, but outside was built for murder.

Cell four.

Pulling out my keys, I jammed the right one into the lock and swung it open, launching straight for Hadley with a grip around her throat. I shoved her up against the wall with one hand, her head smacking and colliding with concrete, but instead of a cry, she laughed.

“Let me out of here, Keaton.” Her eyes searched mine, and I wanted to rip her head off for bringing weird shit to the surface inside of me. “Or have you forgotten who my daddy is?”

I hissed, moving my face to inhale her scent around her neck. “I know just who your daddy is, Princess, and that’s precisely why you’re staying right here.”

“I won’t join Midnight Mayhem…” Her eyes were wild. The kind you knew wolves chased. “Oh, but you will…”

Her head moved from side to side, her finger mirroring the motion. “Nope. I won’t.”

I tensed around her frail windpipe, looking between her mouth and her eyes. “Oh, but you will.”

“Or what!” she snapped, and the way her teeth sunk into her bottom lip had my brain short circuit, for reasons I wasn’t willing to touch. Who the fuck is this girl and why the fuck is she staring at me like I’m her favorite monster? Her lashes fanned over her cheeks. “Or you’ll cut me open like you do the rest of the people who don’t join your sick little cult?” The tip of her nose touched my jaw, and my body pushed into her before I could stop myself. “Tell me, Keaton, is it true what they say about you? That you do this for fun?”


Time hovers below midnight. Sitting on my bike behind the stage, I watch as the aerial girls hush behind the closed curtain and Lilith strolls past, flicking her top hat over her silver hair. Midnight Mayhem began to lose its edge when Delila died, but lately, since there has been some movement in The Castle, it has started to feel like it did before. Before Persephone dropped the whole fucking ball. It almost feels like someone has taken over again. I just have to figure out who. It’s obviously no one here. You can’t do the things that are needed to be done and still perform in a show. Delila was the exception, and her sets were small.

I fire up my bike as Kill’s pulsing KTM parks beside mine, leaning on one leg. “Bro, you are way the fuck out of it tonight.” Tossing his lit cigarette onto the grass, he points at me with his finger. “You need to go out on a job before that crazy look in your eye turns into something none of us wanna see.”

He’s right. I run my palms down my thighs to wipe the sweat off, my finger tapping against my leg. “I’m fine.”

Killian laughs, twisting the handlebar of his bike until it reds out. “No, brother, you ain’t.”