I sigh into my flute. “Kyrin needs to settle down.”

The corner of Killian’s mouth tilts upward. “Oh?” His bright blue eyes flash with gleam. “We talking about Kyrin?”

I pale as my stomach hits the floor, my fingers twitching in his.

He barks out a loud laugh. “Calm down.” Kissing me on the top of my head. “You might need more to drink, though.”

I empty the contents of my glass and we all start making our way through the family room and to the patio that stretches out toward the lawn. Tea lights light the way down to the entry of the tent and around the little makeshift bar outside. Music and laughter already spill out from the split entrance. We’re about forty minutes late, which is perfect. The recruitment doesn’t start until midnight, so that gives me two hours to get drunk and not do something stupid.

“You need a girlfriend.” I graze Killian’s hand as he leads us down the steps.

“Ha!” He chokes on his laugh. “When hell freezes over.”

“Well, you know they call me…”

His laughter bubbles over the clicking of our heels against the cobblestone path, and we stop outside the door.

Killian looks to the girls who are far enough away to not hear, and then back to me. “Whatever is going on with you, you know we will protect you at all costs, right?”

I reach up to touch his cheek. Killian’s soft ass baby skin, it’s all wasted on him. “Yes, I know.”

“And there is a secret?” His eyes narrow, falling to my lips. Killian is the master of trickery, so I need to be careful with my words.

“Yes,” I answer him truthfully, stepping out of his warm embrace. I cast a glance over my shoulder, grinning. “But it’s not like you boys don’t have your own secrets.”

His mouth hangs open slightly, but it’s too late because I step through the entrance quickly to get away from him. I’m paralyzed by the beauty. Being in this world, I’m somewhat sensitized to money and opulence, but every now and then, something blows my mind. This is one of those things. The tent stretches up to the sky in large drapes, with lilac neon lights following the trail. There are no tables, no seating, just a makeshift stage in the center of the room.

I snatch another champagne flute from a passing waiter, sweeping it to my mouth.

Killian sneaks behind me and tugs me back under his arm, kissing me on the head. They’ve all always done it. The small little forehead kisses, which for so long I liked. They make me feel cherished and loved by them, which I know I am, but now it makes me feel like they’re trying too hard to keep me young. Too small. As if they don’t want and can’t see me grow up.

“I’ll be back. Don’t get into trouble.”

I fight the urge to roll my eyes since I don’t want to draw any attention to myself.

“Cartier,” a voice whispers from behind me, and I don’t bother to turn in a hurry. “You know what tonight is going to entail, are you ready for that?”

I finish swallowing my champagne, allowing the tangy bubbles to fall to my empty stomach before answering. “Yes.” I turn to face Kaius. “Yes, I’m ready.”

“Good.” He doesn’t look directly at me as my mom swoops in, holding her gown by the tail. She’s wearing all black—shocker.

“Hello, my dear, now remember what I said…” My smile doesn’t reach my eyes as I relax at my mother’s presence. “Stay low and don’t draw too much attention to yourself, especially for your brother.”

I gulp the rest of my champagne like a Viking and hold my breath as the effects of the alcohol tickle my brain. “Sure, Mom.” My father arrives beside her, though still managing to stay slightly behind like a shadow, constantly reminding me of how much he can take.

The lighting dims and all talking hushes. The Brothers are somewhere behind me because I can feel Keaton’s eyes on my bare back. When you’ve looked into each other’s souls the same way Keaton and I have, you don’t need to see each other to know when the other is around.

Music plays, and the tent parts open. Turning over my shoulder, I finally connect with Keaton, who is already watching me. My mouth waters and my thighs slam together as if he could touch me from all the way over there. He’s wearing slacks and a long-sleeved shirt rolled to his elbows with the buttons carelessly undone at the top. His hair is ruffled, and the stubble on his jaw does nothing to hide the fact that it’s as sharp as a samurai sword.

His eyes narrow on mine and goose bumps explode over my flesh. I quickly look away before I do something really stupid like eye fuck him from across the room. My feet start taking me toward the stage.

“Cartier—” my mother whispers harshly, but I ignore her. All of Midnight Mayhem is here, as well as some retired members. People of Kiznitch are here too, those who were invited, but everyone is pressed around the edges of the tent, giving me a perfect path straight to the stage. “How Can You Love Me” by Kiiara starts playing as the curtain spreads wider and I take center stage, tapping the mic with my finger.

Keaton, Kyrin, and Kill are noticeably closer to the stage than they were moments before. A single light beams on me, and my mouth twitches up in a smirk before I can fight it away. The stage seeps into your pores and ignites a power deep inside of you that you don’t realize you have if you’re Kiznitch, and in this moment, I wish I were in the show. This will have to do. People whisper among themselves, but you can see the divide of those who have already heard of who I am, and those who are confused.

“Eight.” I turn to the curtain and watch as the first girl shuffles out from behind, wearing a shimmering glitter gown with her hair in a fancy up-do. Following behind her is a young guy around her age, smiling and winking at people who will look at him. Agh. We don’t need another him… another fucking Killian. The next is another girl, and another. When four girls and four guys are lined across the stage, I turn back to the mic. Grabbing it off the stand, I flick it onto the ground before circling the first boy who came out smirking, my fingers on his chest. Heat rises to my face when I feel Keaton’s anger radiate from below, but I continue my task at hand. This is my first initiation, and I won’t fuck it up just because he’s here, though I wish they all weren’t. This is usually Delila’s job, but oh well…

His abs are tight, but his skin is too clean. I rest my hand on his abs from behind, running them up to his throat and squeezing. “Knees.” He falls to his knees in front of me, but I remain focused on the crowd.