Ishove Keaton out of my room just in time for Maya and Val to drop their shit all over my floor and fill it with sweet marijuana smoke. It’s not uncommon for us three to be together, because we usually are for all family and Mayhem events, but this is the first time I’ve seen them while one, not being able to tell them that I’m getting thoroughly fucked by Keaton, and two… well, the biggest secret of all.

“You know, I actually kind of like recruits. It’s all creepy, dark, and sexy…” Val says, swiping the tip of her lipstick over her bottom lip. She went with red—shocker, she always does. Val, Maya, and I have known each other all our lives. Maya and Killian are closer, but we’re still sisters. We all fight as much as we love. Mainly because of something Val said and something Maya does.

Maya spins around to face me, her tight curls falling over one slender shoulder and her bright green eyes landing on mine. “I think tonight is going to be different, because well…” She tilts her head and I know what she’s thinking. “Cartier is finally allowed out of her box to play.”

“Aww.” Val slips her shoes onto her feet, and I zone out on them both as I finish fixing my hair. I can’t decide whether I want it out or up, so I do both. I loosely French braid one side and leave the other out in soft waves, curling down my back. My makeup is not my style at all, but after Kyrin threw his toys out of the cot about me coming tonight, I felt chaos deep in my bones wanting to play. My lips are beige, but my eyes are lined thick and dark, smudged on the outer edges. I’ve been contoured, colored in, and crimped to perfection thanks to the makeup and hair team, but the dress… the dress is something I need to thank my mom for. The nude mesh material clings to my curves, giving the illusion that I’m naked, but over my breasts there are little black lace patterns that cover my nipples. It flows to the floor, swaying around my ankles every time I take a step.

“Photo!” Val interrupts my checking, and I step backward and beneath her arm.

“Not in here. We can use the patio.”

Maya scoops up the rolled joint that was on the bedside table, just as there’s a knock on the door.

“Come in!” I call out, and Perse sashays through, holding her clutch and wearing a silk gown the color of her hair. “Wow!” Perse kind of slid into our dynamics quickly. Thank God, because since she has been around, King has been easier to deal with. And by easier, I mean he’s too busy with her to annoy me.

“Thanks. I couldn’t decide what I wanted, and since you know King and I are still trying to figure out what we are doing, I don’t really want to ask him for advice.”

Maya laughs, lighting the end of her smoke as Val opens the doors that spread out onto the cobblestone patio.

“You’re both fucking deluded,” Val mumbles beneath her breath, pulling the net curtains wide. “This is a view…”

I make my way to the patio and look over the edge. The usual sparse lawn is now decked out with a large Moroccan tent with tea lights hanging around and leading to the entrance. A bar is set up outside, as music plays from the system. I haven’t been in the tent yet, but we all know we don’t go light. The sun is barely setting beneath the large redwood trees that sit behind the yard.

I reach for Perse, pulling her onto the patio with us all.

“Prop the phone on the railing so we can get one with our outfits.” I listen to Val, setting my phone up and hitting the self-timer. We take a range of shots before flipping it over to do some selfies of us all.

“You look beautiful, Cartier.” Perse follows me back into the room.

“She’s right.” Val flicks the little bag of cocaine with her finger. “You look different.”

I snatch the bag off Val and pop it open, scattering the powder onto my nightstand before taking the rolled-up bill from Val and snorting a line.

Chemicals hit the back of my throat as I clear my nostril, then flick the bill onto Maya’s lap. “First of all, it’s because of the makeup.”

“Nope.” Maya shakes her head, leaning down and taking the second. “You’ve either been getting fucked good or you’re carrying some heavy shit.”

Or both.

Val snorts the next before handing it to Perse. There are still a couple left, but with the amount of supply Val always has, we won’t be running out before the night is over.

“No, seriously, what happens at these things?” Perse stumbles behind us and I wait until they’re all out before locking my door. “I mean, my initiation wasn’t the typical…”

I scoff way too quickly. “Sorry. It’s just that I have heard about it.”

“They’re usually fucked up. I don’t know how tonight will go since the Ice Queen of Kiznitch is present, but who knows. Maybe The Brothers will loosen your lead since you’re looking all grown up.” I don’t bother to tell Maya that the age difference between her and me isn’t large at all. Maybe I should have hung with the Angels and Demons. They’re probably better company.

We haven’t even made it halfway down the hall before the first question comes from Val. “So you gonna tell me who this boy is? And don’t bother trying to say it’s that pretty French boy because you and I both know it takes grit to gain the attention of one of us.”

We land on the bottom floor and a waiter passes with champagne flutes on his tray. I snatch one quickly, sinking half the glass. The Castle has been kept simple, since everyone will be outside.

“What’s your damage now, baby girl?” Killian pulls me in under his arm, kissing me on top of the head. The lobby is dimly lit, with a path leading out to the outdoor area where the tent is.

I stare up at Kill, my cheeks stinging from the smile on my face. “Everything.”

“Everything? That’s bold coming from the girl who has been protected from everything,” Val sneers, and this is what is wrong with Val. She’s bitchy for no reason at all. Almost too bitchy for me at times. I don’t know how Maya tolerates it.

“Well,” Kill says, taking my hand in his. It would look intimate to people who don’t know who I am to The Brothers, but to him and me it’s natural. “All I know is I’ve had to talk a Brother down for the past hour since he found out about you attending tonight. Please don’t fuck anyone. I don’t want to wipe blood off my suit tonight…”