Iwake with aching legs from yesterday. Bedroom. My lamp shade, oval floor mirror, TV… closed shutters. Who the hell put me to bed?

“You’re awake?” the familiar voice says from my doorway, and I turn to the side to face him. He’s cradling a bowl in his hand and spooning granola into his mouth.

“Yes, unfortunately.” I squint my eyes. “What’s the time?”

“Two o’clock. Came home from school early to make sure your heart didn’t stop. You didn’t fucking move when I carried you to bed last night.” He stops when he’s directly beside my bed. As he lowers himself down onto the mattress, I get a whiff of his cologne. Vanilla brewed with spice. Somehow, it’s too strong. Too much. This boy loves to show off his big dick—which another, unfortunately, I know he has.

“You’re getting very comfortable in my house, Rebs.” My eyes close again. Ahhh rest. Sleep.

Cold metal touches my lips and I screech. “Open.”

I look down and see a spoon filled with Lucky Charms, not granola.

“You need to eat, Cartier. If you fade away, I’m pretty sure your brother will blame me for that too…”

I open my mouth wide, because Lucky Charms. The milky cereal sits on my tongue and I chew slowly as milk slips down my throat.

I swallow. “Are you moving in or something?”

His hazel eyes flicker. Mischief. Maybe. “I can.”

“Please don’t. I need my space. But—” I push up from the mattress and take the next spoonful he feeds me as if he’s been doing this all of my life. “I’m happy for you to break in any time to feed me cereal and carry me to bed.”

He chuckles, scratching his abs and watching as I move around my room, attempting to find my—ah! Phone. “I have a key, but sure thing, Skippy. I’ll make sure you’re carried to bed and fed.” He pauses, his tongue gliding over his teeth. “Not fucked, though, because I’m pretty sure I actually like you and I don’t fuck people I like.”

I pause, tossing the clothes I’m about to change into over my arm. “A compliment?”

Eli stifles a laugh. “Hmm. Appears so.”

“So,” I say, turning the faucet of my shower on and stripping naked. “What school do you go to?” I put my hand beneath the spray of hot water before stepping beneath, squeezing soap into the palm of my hand.

“A private school in The Hamptons.”

“Hmmm,” I say, peeking over my shoulder when I hear his voice louder in the bathroom. The nudity doesn’t bother me, and I don’t know if that’s my Kiznitch talking or because he’s already seen everything. “Riverside Prep?”

His eyes slant. “How’d you know?”

“I have a friend that goes there, and I’m guessing there aren’t a lot of private schools there, so figured it would be the same.” Steam rolls up my nose with a roll of cotton candy and freshly sliced peaches.

“Are you going to get into any trouble today?” I would otherwise be insulted that he isn’t checking me out, but somewhere between us fucking last night and this morning, we’ve both slipped into a platonic friendship that sits comfortably on the balance.

“Nope.” I reach for my towel and wrap it around my body, turning off the shower. “I’m too busy. I have to go do…” I pause. Maybe this is what Delila meant by how I have to keep up appearances to the outer world. “My new job.”

Eli flashes me a wicked grin, one that would otherwise make my knees weak last night. “Ah, Midnight Mayhem and all your fucked-up shit.”

Now it’s my turn for my eyes to narrow. “How did you know about Mayhem?”

“I know everything there is to know about you all, Cartier. Now…” He pauses to look down at the gold Rolex around his wrist. “I’ll drop you off to your friend before I’ve got to leave. I’ll be home later.”

“So you are moving in?” I ask with a high brow while squeezing toothpaste onto my toothbrush.

He winks at me while turning to leave. “Yup! Be ready in twenty.” In twenty minutes, I have to have my makeup done and be dressed for the day. I still don’t know what it’s going to entail today, and part of me doesn’t really want to think too much into it. I’m seventeen, but I think I always knew at the back of my mind that I would never have the privilege of an average teen life. Not that I’m complaining. Average bores me. I need to drown in excitement and live for the thrill, or what is the purpose of living at all?

I slap on a basic makeup look, dress in double time, and manage to take a quick selfie for the Gram. My followers grow every day, but I’ve found that the more I post of me riding, the more engagement I get. I have to repost old photos because I’ve found no space to ride since I haven’t been to The Village in weeks.

Jogging down the stairs, I pull my hair out from beneath my scarf and grab an apple from the fruit basket. “I’m ready.”

Eli holds the door open, looking me up and down. “Does your brother know you’re not a virgin?”