She kept on talking. “You knew this was temporary—we both did.”

“Only at the start. It’s changed now. Don’t deny it.”

“I won’t. There have been… complications.”

Complications? Was that what she saw their growing feelings for each other as?

“But you’re too young to want what I want right now. Men at your age are still experimenting with life, making their decisions about what they want. You may think you want me now, but in four or six months—”

He cut in, scoffing. “I may be younger, but I’m not a kid. I’m not some snot-nosed teenage Goth mooning over a pretty girl. I have feelings for you, and I’m inviting you to explore them with me. Because no matter how you try to deny it, I know you feel something for me as well.”

She squeezed her eyes shut. Max hoped that she was reasoning through his plea. He barreled forward, afraid that if he gave her time to find more ‘good’ reasons they shouldn’t be together, she would.

“There’s more, Sienna. I have some things to tell you, stuff about myself. And I need you to listen—” It was time to share all of it, about his family, his money, Éloïse and the baby.

Her head turned sharply towards the courtyard, her attention snatched away. He heard it too, and watched as Sienna ran to the large bay windows, looking out. He joined her.

Outside, a large limousine was drawing up before the steps that led to the main entrance, and with uncanny sureness, he knew who would be inside. He watched as the driver dismounted and walked to the rear door, holding it open to allow a tall, dark-haired man to exit. He knew at once who it was, Alexandre Dubois, the younger brother of the current Count and his childhood playmate. He’d last seen Alex at his brother’s funeral, but they hadn’t gotten a chance to speak then.

Following him was a beautiful, brown-skinned woman he’d met at the bar and who he knew to be Alex’s wife. She was holding in her arms a baby car seat, and he could see a little shape strapped in.

Sienna’s friend and her family were home. Sienna’s babysitting services would no longer be needed, and she’d soon be free to fly back to the States. It was as if he was struck on the head by the hammer of finality.

She turned to him, her eyes bright with excitement. Their conversation put on hold. “They’re back early! With the baby!”

With a delighted hop, she spun away from the window and began running towards the exit, out of the main doors and down the steps, taking them two by two. Max followed, trying to disguise his despondency. It was a happy occasion; a baby had found his family. He tried to smile as he followed her out.

He looked on as Sienna rushed forward to hug Jacyn as Alex relieved her of the baby, and the women squealed. Immediately they launched into excited sharing of their delight.

For a moment, Max felt a bit awkward, but Alex looked up and spotted him. It took only a few puzzled moments before his face broke out in a smile. “Maxim Lavigne? How are you, my friend?”

He offered the hand that was not holding the baby, and the two men shook. Immediately, Sienna apologized. “Where are my manners? Alex and Jacyn, this is my friend, Maxim.”

He nodded at Jacyn, wishing that Sienna had been inclined to designate him as anything other than just a friend.

Alex went on, “My condolences on the death of your brother and sister-in-law. My family and I felt the loss deeply.”

Max accepted the condolences politely, but was acutely aware that he was intruding upon a significant family moment. Graciously, he inclined his head and murmured his leave.

He could feel the eyes of everyone upon him as he returned to his bike, wishing to God he’d had just twenty more minutes to share with Sienna alone. But it was not to be. Instead, he got onto his bike and revved it aggressively, as if the roar would erase some of the frustration he was feeling, and sped off.

The moment he arrived at his family home, it was as if a pall had descended upon the place. Max felt it in every fiber of his being. It was as if his body was sensing something wrong at a level beneath his conscious self.

He paused in the doorway, asking himself what was wrong. Was it just that familiar dread of having to deal with his mother’s steadily increasing demands that he marry Éloïse? Or her glowering, silent accusations?

But no. There was something else going on. He wasn’t sure what, but he could feel deep down that he wouldn’t like it.

He went immediately into the sitting room that his mother preferred, where she liked to read as the sun went down. His mother was sitting on the couch, her face ash white with shock. He felt a stab of fear. He looked around; Éloïse was nowhere to be seen. Was she back in the hospital? Had something happened? Was the baby okay? Surely—

“Where have you been?” she demanded accusingly.

Max was taken aback, but knew better than to respond as defensively as he normally would have. Clearly, something was wrong. “What is it?” he wanted to know.

“I went to the doctor a few months ago for a physical and he asked me to return for more tests. I did those tests and they found out that I had colon cancer.,” she blurted. “I’ve been thinking of a way to tell you and your father. It’s why I want you to marry Éloïse. I want my grandson to be situated before I depart from this world.”

Max felt his heart plummet.