“Exactly.” And then, before she could say anything further, he stood, leaned forward over the table, and kissed her. Full on the lips, soft and light. He took his own cool time about it. Yet, to Sienna, it seemed as though it had happened too fast for her to process. The only impression she got was one of sensory overload. Taste, scent, and sensation all at once.

Then he was seated again, giving her a look that said,make of that, whatever you will.

Sometime later, the girls sashayed over, making no secret of their scandalized delight, and informed Sienna that they were leaving, but she didn’t need to leave with them. Shaundra asked Max for his ID and then quickly took a picture before handing it back to him. Jacyn assured Sienna that she would get a ride from Chantelle’s driver and handed Sienna the keys to her brand-new Rolls-Royce Cullinan.

Sienna hugged her friends, with Jacyn whispering into her ear, “Be careful. Don’t forget to use a condom, okay?”

Sienna nodded confidently, and the other women took their leave, bidding Maxim a good night. The last thing she saw was Shaundra, frantically flashing her acall mehand signal.

Then she and Maxim were alone again. Sienna was surprised at how right she felt. They chatted for hours, steering clear, as if by mutual agreement, of their personal details and instead focused on the differences between France and America. Max seemed shocked by how patriotic she was, but she shrugged. If everyone else was allowed to boast about their country, then she had the right to brag about the best parts of hers as well.

They watched as the last straggling customers strolled out, and the staff began their shutting-up-shop routine. It occurred to Sienna that Max had spent his entire bartending shift sitting with her. She pointed that out to him, and he grinned it off. “They know I’ll make it up to them.”

Then he grew more sober. He reached out and laid his hand over hers. She didn’t pull it away. “Want to get out of here?” he asked, the implication of his question crystal clear.

She didn’t even have to ponder. The question had entered her head and been processed long ago. “Let’s,” she said, and winked.