“I know. It’s just the waiting, you know?”

“The wheels of bureaucracy grind slowly.”

“They do.” He paused and then looked at her with concern. “You haven’t had anything to eat all day, have you?”

She held up her cup half-jokingly, “I’ve had a cup of some of the best coffee in the world.”

He took it from her hands and set it down on the table. “I think we can do better than that. Want me to order—”

“Max.” She squeezed his hands tighter.


“I have something to say.”

He regarded her carefully. “Okay. Go ahead.”

She waved her hand to denote their surroundings and then grasped his hand again. “I know my timing is crappy, and this is probably not the greatest place to do this, but I need you to know a few things.” She took a breath to give herself courage. “First, I’m so glad you have your son. I know it’s been a tough road for you, but I’m proud of the decision you’ve made to be there for him. It’s the right one, I promise.”

“I know,” he said softly.

“He’ll soon be yours to love and raise, and you will make an awesome daddy.” She twinkled at him. “Before you know it, you guys will be riding the Ferris Wheel together.”

He chuckled, and it did her all the good in the world to see him smile for the first time in what seemed like forever.

Now for the hard part,she thought. “There’s something else.”

“Okay.” His eyes held hers. Dark, alert and curious.

“I’m going to be honest with you because that’s what you deserve. The time I’ve spent in France with you was the happiest of my life. I mean, I’ve traveled and gotten into scrapes and had adventures, but the excitement I’ve experienced with you, the highs and lows, have been like nothing I have ever experienced. And I’m grateful to you for that. And I want you to know I love you.”

She stopped dead. There was very little you could say, she thought, once that cat was out of the bag. It was a do or die moment. All or nothing.

The next thing she knew, she was in his arms, and he was kissing her hard. “I love you too. You know that. I want you always to know that. And I promise to say that to you every day.”

She felt an overwhelming sense of joy and hope, of giddy excitement as she clasped her hands around his broad back, feeling his face pressed to hers. She was so happy she wanted to cry.Who could have expected this? She wondered.Who could have seen this coming?

There was just one more thing to make it complete —

They heard a sound, and the clearing of a throat, and both looked up to see a nurse in uniform, blushing pinkly at having interrupted their intimate scene. Max and Sienna pulled apart, grinning at each other almost like naughty children.

“Sir, the doctor has discharged your son. Except for a little dehydration, he has a perfect bill of health. If you follow me, I will take you to his room.”

Max rose and began to follow the nurse. Sienna held back, hesitant, until he stopped and looked at her quizzically. “Aren’t you coming?”

She was flustered. “I’m not sure—I don’t… Yes, I was only giving you a head start.”

He gave her a look that drew her into his world, and a smile that promised her she would always remain there. He held out his hand, and she took it.