She searched his face. “You’re worried about me?”

“Of course, I am. I think about you all the—”

“When’s she due?” she blurted.


“The baby. Éloïse. When is she due to deliver?”

He frowned slightly, as if trying to shift conversational gears. “My mother says it will be any day now. She is poised and ready.”

“And have you decided what you’re going to do?”

He paused, thinking again, and then responded delicately, “I do have options, and I’m examining them. I will do what needs to be done.”

Sienna understood, but she also knew that she couldn’t be a part of this anymore. She pushed her plate aside. “I’m sorry, Max.” She wasn’t even sure she wanted to look at him. “I can’t do this. You and me—”

“Why not? What’s wrong with you and me? We’re good together.”

Maybe we are,she thought,but it still can’t work.“I accept your apology. I know that you feel bad about not telling me about many of the things in your life, and I know that a lot of this is beyond your control. But Max, I can’t—”

“Play a game with me,” he interrupted.

She stopped dead, staring at him in puzzlement.A game?

Seeing that he had her attention, he went on, pointing in the direction of the artificial lake at the center of the country club, which was clearly visible from the balcony where they and the other diners sat. “See those canoes?”


“Let’s go canoeing. No—let’s go racing.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Here she was, breaking up with him once and for all, and he was babbling on about lakes and canoes. He couldn’t possibly be serious.

“I’m not kidding, and neither am I crazy. I can see that thought in your eyes.” Now that he was away from France, out of his element, his accent seemed thicker. “I want to make a bet between you and me.”

She was immediately suspicious. “What are you betting? And why?”

He leaned forward. “I want to race you. From there to there, that bush on the other side, see? If you win, we will shake hands, and then you can walk away.”

“And if I lose?”

“If you lose, you will spend the rest of the afternoon and tonight with me.”

Her gasp was so sharp that he clarified, “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I only desire your company. For one night. This will give me the chance to speak my heart, and see if I can change your mind about our future—because I do believe we have a future. All I need is for you to promise to listen.”

“You’re bigger than I am!” she protested. “What makes you think I could ever race against you?”

“You can use two paddles, and I will use one. That will help even the odds, no?”

She wanted with everything inside her to say no and leave now, but his overwhelming magnetism made it almost impossible to speak a negative word. To her huge surprise, and instant regret, she heard herself say yes.