Chapter 12

The next few weeks passed in a warm, pleasant haze for Sienna. During the day, she gave Alicyn her all, spending hours bedazzling everything they could get their hands on, as well as fingerpainting, baking cookies and splashing in the pool. She had never thought of herself as mommy material, but she had to admit there was some allure to borrowing someone else’s kid when you knew you could have fun with them and then return them like a much-appreciated library book.

Often, she and the other girls got together to hang out and gossip while the kids played, and Sienna truly treasured their company and their friendship.

But the nights, oh, the nights: they were for her and Max. Four nights during the week, once Alicyn had conked out, Sienna would leave her in the care of the nanny and retreat to the privacy of her room, where she would spend at least an hour preparing herself, from long scented baths to careful selection of clothes—especially her underwear. She would brush her hair until it shone, apply makeup with utmost precision, carefully choose her accessories until she was satisfied with the image she saw in the mirror. Not only was she happy with the way she looked for her own account, but she was pleased with the assurance that Max would flip when he saw her.

And he often did.

Many an evening they would begin by making heated love, which Sienna always reveled in, but once their bodies were sated, they would lie around, feasting on food sent up from the kitchens or called in from elsewhere. They watched movies, usually after someone won an argument because each had a peculiar point of view about the state of modern cinema, and agreeing on something to watch took easily fifteen minutes of negotiation.

Sometimes, they just fired up their laptops and got to work on their respective projects, not getting too involved in the other’s business but glad for the company.

And all of this made Sienna acutely aware that the original arrangement, that they would be sex buddies and nothing more, was quietly and stealthily undergoing a transformation. They’d become close friends—at the very least.

What was bothering her mightily was the sneaking suspicion that they had transcended even that boundary, from friends to lovers—with an emphasis on the wordlove.

She couldn’t possibly be falling for this young man. It simply didn’t make any sense. But if that was the case, why was it that the hours she spent with him were the highlight of her day?

“You planning on descending to this plane to live among us mere mortals any time soon?” Naisha broke into her thoughts. “Or you going to take up residence among the stars?”

Sienna shook herself mentally. Her friend was grinning at her, and Sienna wondered whether the expression on her face was as idiotic as she dreaded it had been. “Sorry.”

“That’s at least the third time you’ve drifted off. Is there something on your mind? Orsomeone?”

Sienna brushed away the thought, hearing how unconvincing she sounded even to her own ears. “Nah. I am not seeing anyone. But it’s just one of those days, you know.” She waved it away with a flick of the hand.

“Mm-hmm,” Naisha murmured, clearly doubting her. “Then I guess you’re losing concentration because my narrative of my experience of the miracle of childbirth is boring you.”

“Not boring,” Sienna shot back. “Just gross.”

Naisha laughed and cuddled her newborn girl closer. The little one mewled in contentment and settled deeper into the blanket. She’d fed long and deep, and was settled in for a nice nap.

Beside them, the other kids played: Alicyn and Xander were sitting on a blanket, elbow deep in applesauce. Poor Willa had her hands full, trying to stop them from sampling other delicacies found in the wild, such as pebbles, bugs and grass. Their group was picnicking on the shore of the lake that bordered the Dubois family property.

“You just wait until the Fates catch up to you and spring one of your own upon you. You’ll see just how ‘gross’ it is.”

Sienna rolled her eyes. “Honey, if motherhood transforms you into someone who thinks breast pads and poop are interesting, then all I can say is, may the Baby Fairy pass by my house without coming in.”

Naisha just shook her head. “Remember when Shaundra was resistant as you are right now? Now guess who calls me to discuss new mom trends! Soon you’ll fall in love and all of a sudden bearing that man’s children will sound like a perfectly peachy idea.”

“I’ll take that under—” She stopped short at the sound of hooves. Both women turned in the direction of the oncoming horse. It was pale gray with dapples along its flanks, huge and well groomed, with its long tail splayed behind it.

It wasn’t the horse that drew her attention, but the rider: none other than Maxim. Wearing a heavy denim jacket over jeans, his head bare, his body was tilted slightly forward as he urged on the animal. She almost choked on her soda.

Naisha, encumbered by the baby, didn’t rise, but used her hand to shield her eyes against the sun, allowing her to examine the interloper. Sienna, on the other hand, shot up, startled. They locked eyes, and both registered their shock.

“And you are?” Naisha asked curiously, making no secret of her surprise that someone was riding along the shore of her family’s lake.

Max pulled up on the reins hard, his gaze sliding away from Sienna’s for just a moment. Sienna saw those dark brows flicker for a second. Then he humbly replied, “You must be the new Countess. The wife of William, no?”

Naisha nodded guardedly.

Max went on, “My apologies, madame. I’m aware that I’m trespassing, but my horse loves a lakeside run, and I swear I mean no harm to you or your estate.” He glanced at Sienna again and then added, “My name is Maxim. My family owns the property on the far side of the lake. My brother Julien and William had been friends.”

Mollified, Naisha smiled at him, and let him know that his trespass was forgiven. “Your horse is beautiful. He’s always welcome, and so are you.”

Max nodded politely, but shifted his curious gaze back to Sienna again. It was clear that he was wondering why she hadn’t acknowledged him. She was half praying that he’d be on his way, to avoid her having to expose her private business to Naisha, and admit that this beautiful man was, in fact, the entanglement she’d spoken of.