Chapter 9

Maxim made change for a 50 euro note and slid it across the bar, forcing himself to smile and thank the patron, because he was distracted, and the last thing on his mind was the gentleman in the navy blazer standing before him.

Because moments before, the door to the bar had opened and Sienna had walked in. She stood in the doorway as if posing for a cover photo, looking glorious in a short summer dress with a light jacket thrown casually over her shoulders, her gorgeous hair splayed over her collar.

He sucked in his breath, almost irritated by the flicker of joy the sight of her ignited in him. Yeah, she was sexy as all hell and the sex between them was great, but the first emotion he felt he should feel upon spotting a woman like her should be desire, not delight.


She seemed uneasy, turning her head from to side, as if looking for him. He lifted his hand halfway to hail her out and then noticed that someone — a man — came up from behind her.

The instant rush of heat and attraction that had almost knocked him back was immediately squelched by a cold bucket of water, as a tall, dark, good-looking man approached her, placing his hand on her waist. The guy apparently knew nothing about personal space buffers, because he was right up under her, as if they were tethered.

Max felt his hackles rise, and a deep growl attempted to force its way out of his throat, but he swallowed it down. This wasn’t the place or time to unleash his inner werewolf.

He was bigger than that.

Sienna was dating other men.Et alors?They’d made it perfectly clear that this was all about sex… and maybe a couple of pleasant hours spent in each other’s company. And that, by definition, meant that she was a free agent. Didn’t it?

He decided that a tray of glasses that were already clean needed a second washing. He saw to that, slamming around the glasses with such vigor that the other bartender on shift, Sigrid, gave him a querying look.

Max eyed the man again. Upon closer inspection, he looked older than Sienna, which irritated him even more, given Sienna’s prejudice about Max’s age. Added to that, the man was clean cut, with an almost military bearing. He wondered idly how long the guy would be able to hold his breath with his head plunged into the sink full of dirty, sudsy water.

They slid into a booth near the back, and then the Devil put an idea into Max’s head. Grabbing up a pad and pencil, he strolled on over with deliberate nonchalance, his gait belying his turmoil and annoyance.

“Bonsoir,”he said smoothly, with all the polite deference of a world-class waiter. “How may I serve you tonight?”

The guy-whose-face-needed-punching picked up the drinks menu and studied it, while Sienna studied Max’s face.

“Sienna, nice to see you again,” he greeted her smoothly.

The guy looked from one to the other. “You two know each other?”

Sienna shrugged, not answering. Max said, “You could say that.” Then, addressing himself to her, asked, “Would you like me to bring you a Belgian beer? I know you’re quite partial to it.”

She flushed a bit, surely remembering the beers they had shared, both in and out of bed, but said with admirable coolness, “I think I’ll have a red wine. Something earthy. I’ll leave it up to you to choose.”

He nodded, pretending to write on his pad as if he wouldn’t remember. “I’m sure I can find you something that you’ll enjoy.” He looked queryingly at the man, but if he was expecting an introduction, he was sorely disappointed. The man cheerfully said he’d like to try the aforementioned beer, thanks. Max took the man’s order and left the table, even more irritated than he had been when he’d gone over there.

Which, he realized in retrospect, had been a mistake.

For the better part of an hour, he remained behind the bar, rummaging around and rearranging things until Sigrid gave him the stink-eye. And all the time, Sienna and this jackass were sipping their drinks, chatting, laughing. The man even had the temerity to call him over and order another round.

The bar filled up a bit, and he was grateful for the distraction. Then he noticed Sienna getting up, and heading towards the back of the bar, to the bathrooms. He stopped in the middle of an order, handing it over to Sigrid without so much as an explanation, causing her to grumble under her breath at his retreating back.

Thanking the stars that the bathrooms were small, individual rooms—with a mirror, sink and a second door that screened the toilet—meant that Sienna would be alone.

He tapped twice, and though her voice came back announcing that the room was occupied, he used his key and let himself in.

Staring at him as if he’d fallen from the sky, she chided him. “I’m in thebathroom,Max!”

Sienna was standing in the mirror, a lipstick in one hand, and that pissed him off. “Fixing up your makeup forLoverboyout there?”

She looked at him, nonplussed for a second. “What? No! Jeez!”

He locked the door again and folded his arms, leaning against it. “Well?”

Frowning at him, she turned back to the mirror and took her time outlining her lips in a dusky purple that threatened to send him nuts. “Well, what?”