“Shutup!”she gasped.

“I’m good for your bucket list.”

She smiled at him again. “You are. Because I’m gonna add ‘first younger man’ to that.”

“Does my age bother you?”

She didn’t answer because she wasn’t yet sure. To her relief, he didn’t push it. Instead, his features turned somber when he asked, “Do you have any regrets in life?”

It was a serious question, she realized, and it deserved a serious answer. She pondered, but not for long. “I guess I regret not becoming an entrepreneur earlier. I spent way too much time in crappy jobs before I took the plunge.”

“But maybe the time you spent in those crappy jobs prepared you to handle challenges you now face as a businesswoman.”

She thought about it and decided he was making way too much sense. “I guess.” She tilted her face upward to look at him searchingly. “What about you? Any regrets?”

Several emotions, including what seemed liked guilt and sadness, fleeted across his face before he answered, “I only regret not having made love to you the moment we arrived.”

She gave him a slow-burning smile. “I think we can make up for that.”

Sienna watched as Max withdrew the remote control from his jacket pocket and leaned forward just enough to point it at the control booth way below. Smoothly, the wheel slid downwards, coming to a stop on the deck. He helped her out, and as they stood upon the platform, he pulled her to him, and kissed her.

Kissing alfresco was a lot of fun, she realized, especially when you were kissing in a place you weren’t even supposed to be. It was almost as if she could imagine that the amusement park was full of patrons, laughing people, screamers up on the rides, machines creaking, and the smell of corn dogs in the air. She pretended they were kissing before a shocked audience, and an exhibitionistic spirit she never even knew she had, awakened within her.

It was odd how Max’s kiss felt both familiar and new. She’d made love to him just a couple of times, so he wasn’t a stranger, but he was hardly someone she knew well, either. That also made it exciting.

Add to that his easy expertise, the way he had of lazily exploring her mouth with his tongue while his hands rested on her curvy hips almost possessively. Again, she cursed the leathers he wore, wishing that she could feel the heat of his chest as she pressed her breasts against him. They were beginning to respond to his kiss and to his touch; and she could feel them tauten.

“Oh wow,” she murmured as they broke the kiss just long enough to catch their breath.

“My sentiments exactly,” he answered, and claimed her mouth a second time. More urgently, desire mounting, threatening to overtake and overcome.

She remembered her experimentation on the motorbike seat earlier, the way she had pressed her hips down against the vibrations, seeking stimulation. The heat was rising between her legs again, but this time, of course, there were no mechanical vibrations; only hard masculinity and prominent evidence of his desire.

He lifted his head to look at her, and she was almost embarrassed, thinking of the wild desire he surely could read within them.

He didn’t even need to ask; heknew.

He began walking forward even as they still clung together, which meant she stepping backwards, until she came up against the side of the gondola they had just vacated. It was still and steady, aligned with the platform that would grant them access.

Gently, he made her step back into it, and locked the low door with a click. The huge beast above them began to whirl again, as Max used the remote control he’d taken from his pocket, and the gondola swayed.

“I’m not sure I like this,” she began nervously as the Ferris Wheel rose once more.

“Shh. Trust me.” he clicked again, and the wheel stopped. They were high enough that she could look out over the city, with its twinkling lights and busy, teeming roadways. It looked like a tray of spilled, raw gemstones.

Sienna felt Max’s hands on her hips, and she looked down in curiosity. Immediately, he censured her. “Don’t look at me. Look at the stars, the lights. Like jewels, yes?”

“Yes,” she croaked.

“Keep your eyes on the sparkles,mon minou.”Suspended in the air, under glittering lights, with the city below, he made love to her.


After their passion cooled, it was several moments before they could breathe again and peel themselves away from each other. She felt so jelly-limbed that she was grateful when he dressed her as if she were a doll. When he was done, he dressed himself, and Sienna almost felt sorry to see that magnificent body being hidden away from her view.

Then he pulled her into his arms and hugged her, cradled her, as if trying to signal with his touch that, as good as the sex had been, the pleasure of holding her meant a lot to him.

Sienna wasn’t sure how she felt about that, because in a strange way, the pleasure of holding him meant a lot to her, too.