Dustin could hear the hurt and fear in her voice, and it grieved him to cause her so much hurt. “I had no idea.”

“They’re calling you a murderer!”

Oh, my God“I promise you, Kim, I never had anything to do with it. There’s no way on this Earth that I would ever hurt Chantelle.”

“I know, Dustin.”

He envisioned her sitting in her wheelchair, clutching the phone to her breast as she caught her breath. Then she said, “You got married.”

“I did. I—” How would he explain this?

“I figured out why.” It was a statement, bald and unadorned. “I know why you did that. This woman, Chantelle Moreau Clark, the news is saying she’s extremely privileged, very wealthy.” Kim paused. “Wealthy enough to arrange for a million-dollar surprise disbursement by a charity that was formed on the same day of us receiving news of money to cover your sister’s health costs.”

Dustin propped his elbows over the balcony railing and looked out onto the topiary of the Dubois estate. He was actually relieved that he wouldn’t need to explain his relationship with Chantelle to Kim when the time came. One thing he was certain of was Chantelle being part of his future. Dustin hoped he would be able to convince her of that.

“I’ll do anything for Arabella.”

“I know,” she said in a voice heavy with emotion. “Because of what you did, our Arabella got another chance at life. To be healthy and happy.”

“How is she?” he asked at once.

“She’s been discharged, and is doing great. She’s got a bit of rehab to do, but she has a chance at a future again. All because of you.”

“You aren’t mad?” he asked cautiously.

“Mad? How could I be mad at you? Once again, Dustin, you’ve put the needs of this family before your own. I don’t know how you managed to swing this.”

That’s a longer story than I have time for,Dustin thought.

“You’ve changed all our lives for the better. Brought happiness and light back into our family. Thank you! I can never repay you.”

“You owe me nothing!” Warm feelings briefly overrode the exhaustion and despair of the past few weeks. “And you’re welcome.”

“Was it awful?” she asked.

“What, jail?” He shrugged, even though she couldn’t see him. “I’m sure the food’s better than what you’d find in a Soviet gulag, but still.”

“No, the marriage. Is it awful being married to this lady?”

Awful? Chantelle? Not even for a second. “No. She’s the best woman I’ve met in a long time. Honest and fair. I love her. I’m in love with her.”

“I’m sorry about the baby. Was it yours?”

“Yes,” he said shortly.

“Oh, Dustin.”

He couldn’t say anything.

“What now?” she asked.

“The Dubois’, Chantelle’s friends— My friends will get me legal representation. I am going to fight this. I never hurt her. I never would. I’ll beat this.”

“I know you will.”

Dustin spent the next few minutes catching up on what was going on with his siblings, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something else. Something Kim was reluctant to tell him. Eventually, he demanded, “Spill, Kim.”

“Spill what?” she asked disingenuously.