Chapter 28

Pizza. The idea of it was the culinary equivalent of an earworm, Chantelle decided. Once it was in her head, it was all she could think of. She’d resisted for two days, but here she was, giving in.

Which was why she and Dustin were waiting in line outside a fast-food restaurant on a Sunday afternoon, just a couple of days after her brothers’ impromptu exit.

She’d been feeling fine the past week or two, no nausea or dizziness, but in the past couple of days, it was back with a vengeance. The previous day, all she could stomach had been copious amounts of water. And for some reason she couldn’t rationalize, she had become convinced that pizza would be the only thing to make her feel better. That’s what pregnancy did to you, she guessed.

Dustin listened in amusement as she yelled her order into the microphone, leaning across him to get closer to the window. He couldn’t understand what she was saying, but he knew she was going overboard. He shook his head.

“You try manufacturing another human being and see how you like it,” she said defensively.

He held up his hands. “Hey, I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t have to.”

The mood between them in the past two days was light, casual, fun, despite the intensity of their lovemaking that evening, and Dustin’s hasty exit thereafter. She was beginning to learn that even when they weren’t doing anything special, they could still relax companionably side by side. That feeling was new to her.

His phone started buzzing in the little compartment between them, but he studiously ignored it. She gave him a curious glance, remembering the night he’d disappeared after that call, but said nothing.

It was none of her business. Well, notreally.

Then her own phone rang, and she picked it up. “Sienna?” Her assistant had returned almost immediately after her brothers’ departure. Since the call was coming from her office number, it was clear that she had popped in for some reason or another.

“Boss.” Her voice was tense.

Chantelle ignored the warning tone, asking jokingly, “What did I say about working on Sundays?”

Sienna didn’t joke back. “Chantelle, are you ready to slay some dragons?”

Chantelle tensed, both at Sienna’s words and at her tone. “What’s happening?” Are the markets in the East sliding again?she wondered.

“I came in because to pick up a document, and stumbled upon an emergency board meeting.”

“There’s a board meeting?” she echoed incredulously. “On a Sunday?”

“Yes. Everyone is here, including Dennis and Tom.”

So, her brothers had decided not to stay in France, then. “Did you know about this?”

“No.” Sienna’s words were clipped, making no secret of how she felt about the situation. “It appears that your brothers have called an emergency meeting, under the Articles of the board.”

It took Chantelle all of three seconds to understand what was going on. Dennis and Tom had gone running to the board, invoking a little-used provision that allowed any senior executive to call a meeting under the direst of circumstances.

She understood that her brothers were coming for her.

“Get in there and tell them I want in on the meeting. Set up a video call. Bring on the dragons,” she said.

Dustin seemed to understand that something was happening, because as soon as he collected their order he pulled into a parking spot at the pizzeria and let the engine idle, as the air conditioning cooled the car.

The screen flickered, and immediately Chantelle could see the faces of her brothers as well as those of the rest of her board. They were all staring at her with wary curiosity.

Dennis opened his mouth, but Chantelle decided to cut him off at the pass. “I wasn’t aware that we had a board meeting scheduled for today,brother,”she said. “You do understand that I am to be given two days’ notice, yes?”

Dennis’s face grew red, and he began to bluster.

Immediately, another senior board member expressed surprise. “You were unaware, Ms. Clark?”

“That is correct.”