“I have seen the figures,” she agreed, “and for a loan facility that is literally just off the ground, it’s normal for the money to go in one direction: outwards. But we’ve been running for less than a single financial quarter. Surely—”

“Surely what?”

“Surely a man of your business acumen would know that these things take time. And besides, I believe in these women. They’re aware that we are helping them attain their goals, and will be honor-bound to repay the loans—”

He scoffed. “You’re too damn soft-hearted to be in business.”

“Our father didn’t think so—”

“Step-father!” he snapped.

“Adoptive father,” she corrected, “and legal guardian. And if he believed in me enough to put me in charge, that should count for something.” As Dennis bristled, she added, “And I’d like for you to respect his decision and trust in my intuition, instead of fighting me at every—”

“Oh, little girl, Tom and I, we haven’t even begun to fight.”

Chantelle swerved out of his way, furious, heading for the door. “Dennis, please be reminded that as CEO, I am your senior authority. If you cannot speak to me with respect, this conversation is—”

His hand shot out and grabbed her by the upper arm, quick enough and hard enough to make her yelp. “It’s over when I say it’s over.”

“Let her go.”

The voice was so deadly quiet they both turned to its source. Dustin was standing in the doorway, and Chantelle had never seen that expression on his face.

Dennis was so surprised he let out a gust of a laugh, but it was cut short by the ice in Dustin’s eyes.

“Let go of my fucking wife.” Dustin repeated with dangerous calm.

Dennis’s hand fell to his side, but he responded with bravado, “Who are you to talk to me like that?”

Dustin walked deeper into the room. “Chantelle’s husband. And I’m telling you that whichever hand you touch her with again, you will lose.”

“You must be joking.”

“Try me.”

Chantelle looked on at the interaction, amazed. She had never experienced this, someone appearing out of nowhere to protect her. While part of her bristled, knowing that she was able to fight her own battles, another part was pleased. She had power, righteous indignation, and strength in her corner.

She kind of liked that.

Dennis gave Chantelle an indignant look. “Are you going to let him speak to me like that?”

“Seems to me he’s master of his own words,” she pointed out.

Dennis, fool that he was, swiveled toward her, and immediately found himself being blocked by a taller, larger, and way angrier man.

“Listen, brother,” Dustin placed a hand on his chest, “you won’t get another warning.”

Dennis brushed Dustin’s hand away so roughly that Chantelle cringed, expecting blows to follow. “You’re nothing but an interloper. My sister’s passing fancy. A little bit of rough. Lord knows, she needs it. I’ve always thought it would do her some good to get a little wild for a change. But once she gets you out of her system, out of her panties—”

The movement was so fast that Chantelle barely saw it go down. All she knew was that Dennis was braced against the wall with a forearm pressed against his throat.

“Get out.”

“What?” Dennis croaked.

“Get. The. Fuck. Out. You, your wife, and your brother have thirty minutes to pack your shit. I’ll be waiting at the bottom of the front stairs. The driver will drop you wherever you want to go.”

Dennis gave Chantelle a pleading look, but Dustin bellowed, “Don’t look at her, look at me! I am speaking! I want you to leave!”