“So that’s what it’s like,” she murmured.

“What what’s like?” His voice sounded as sleepy as she felt.

“An orgasm.”

He sat bolt upright, staring at her. Taking a moment to gather himself before asking, “You’ve never had an orgasm?”

Ugh,she thought.Here it comes.“No.”

He was incredulous. “How is that even possible?”

“Don’t judge me!” she cried hotly.

He touched her cheek lightly. “I’m not, sweetheart. I’m just… I wasn’t aware—”

“How could you be?”

“I mean, how?”

“Some women don’t,” she said, hating how defensive she sounded. “Neither of my fiancés seemed able to—”

He looked even more stunned, but quickly straightened out his features. “You’ve been engaged before?”

“Mm-hmm.” She tried to make her answer sound casual, as if it happened to everyone. “Neither of them lasted long. One was just using me to get a higher position in one of my companies, and the other turned out to be gay.”


“He thought that being with me would help rid him of the desires he was struggling against. He was wrong. I never knew until—” She stopped, once again feeling the humiliation of betrayal.

Dustin pulled her against him and cradled her head to his chest. “Chantelle, baby, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter who or what or when. What matters is that you’ve learned something new about yourself. And I’m honored to have been the man to help you discover it.”

She let that soak in and realized to her surprise that he was right. She gave him a mischievous look. “I wonder.”

“Wonder what?” he asked, but his expression told her he knew exactly what.

“Whether another lesson—”

And then, dammit, her phone began to ring, a harsh, jarring sound that cut through their intimate conversation.

He groaned. “Do you have to take that?”

She was torn; she always answered her phone, because global business had no set hours. This time, she was prepared to let it ring When the ringing persisted and she glanced at the screen, she nodded reluctantly. “It’s the security. Something’s happening.”

Chapter 22

Dustin lay on the bed after disposing of the condom and watched as Chantelle quickly dressed, wishing for all the world that he’d insisted on a no-phones-in-the-bedroom rule. Or, if not, that whatever the hell was going on outside wasn’t happening.

He’d just had some of the most amazing sex of his life… with one of the most amazing women he’d ever met. And, to top it all off, he’d given her her first orgasm. An experience like that was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. And he felt awed, humbled and very turned on.

She gave him an apologetic look as she smoothed down a plain white t-shirt over the waistband of her jeans and unlocked the bedroom door. “Be right back,” she promised.

“I can—”

“No. Stay.”

Stay?He was nobody’s Pomeranian. He doubted even Minerva, who was probably snoring in the bathroom, would take a ‘stay’ order.

He lasted all of thirty seconds, as the sound of voices wafted its way upstairs. Unlike Chantelle, who had an assortment of clothes at her disposal, all he had was the same clothes he’d been wearing when he’d popped out to the Dubois’ for dinner. And they were in a crushed and woebegone heap.