He stared at her for a long time, making her wonder if she came across as such a bitch that even that simple, honest gesture arose doubt in his mind.

“Take care of yourself, Chantelle,” he said finally. “I’m sure your lawyers will have the documents sent to me in a few months to end this marriage.”

She wished him well and wished he’d hastily leave her in peace, but he hesitated.

Just as he finally turned to leave, Sienna came through the door and she recognized her employee’s impish smile and knew right away that whatever she was about to say wouldn’t be favorable.

Chapter 10

“Wow,” Dustin said, trying to inject some humor into the situation. “Married only a few days, and already I’m getting the silent treatment.”

They were on their way to the Aix-en-Provence Aerodrome on Chantelle’s private jet. Sitting as far apart as their recliners would allow. Now and then she glared at him with a heat that could melt steel.

Her on-board doctor had sensed the tension, and after doing his checks and declaring her fine, retreated to the back of the plane. Anything to get out of the way of the lightning bolts zinging back and forth.

Next to Chantelle, the largest tortoiseshell cat he had ever seen lounged in a carrier, snoozing most of the time, only lifting her head to stare curiously at him through the bars. He’d asked her what the French regulations for importing an animal were, but she’d responded very tartly that while her cat had all applicable shots and chips, she hadn’t bothered with the tedium of filling out forms. When you had resources like hers, she pointed out, you knew how to get around annoying details.

Like laws.

Which he’d found out first hand, given that her penchant for working around rules was how she’d found him in the first place.

It was hard to believe he was actually here, mainly thanks to her assistant, Sienna, who had proven to be quick thinking… and a bit sneaky. Just when he was about to walk out of Chantelle’s hospital room and out of her life, Sienna had walked in and thrown him a lifeboat.

She gave him a warm, professional smile and announced, “Dustin, I just remembered your telling me about a tattoo convention you’re to attend in France next week!”

He didn’t know what she was up to, but he played along.

“Why don’t you catch a ride with Chantelle to France? I’m sure my boss would love the company. Hopefully, it’s not too late to cancel your flight reservations and get a refund.”

That wouldn’t be a problem, since he hadn’t booked any flight. He knew of the convention but hadn’t planned on attending. Immediately, he understood that Sienna was extending him a lifeline. Sneaky girl, he thought. He decided to grab that lifeline and hold on hard.

“Wait a minute,” Chantelle began. “What’s all this?”

“Dustin is headed to France as well. I’m only proposing that you offer him a lift there.”

“He never said anything about traveling to France before.”

But her assistant went on. “That may be but think of the environment. You don’t want to be accused of leaving a huge carbon footprint when you can decrease it by offering your husband a ride.”

“Sienna, that’s not the point. Dustin and I are strangers. You of all people understand exactly what this ‘marriage’ is about.”

Sienna’s expression was calm and unperturbed. Dustin got the impression she was the only person who truly knew how to manage her boss. “But he is your husband and the father of the baby.”

Her face curdled. “You know what I mean. Plus, I’m sure Dustin has other things to do. Like seeing about his family instead of following me around.” She gave him a hard stare, willing him to agree.

He was amused. “Well, fortunately for you, I really do need to get to this convention, as it would be a boost to my career and provide a chance to network with other artists. I will also admit to being curious whether traveling on a private jet lives up to the hype. I won’t mind accompanying you. Canceling my previous reservations won’t be an issue and my family will be fine.”

He paused, and despite himself noticed how pretty she was even in anger… or maybe because she was angry. How her cream-and-coffee skin flushed, how her light eyes flashed. The way they’d flashed when he’d kissed her, felt her mouth soften under his, felt her body tauten in response.

She gnawed at her lower lip as if biting back a cutting remark.

Have at it, he thought. I can take it.

But she had said nothing. Dustin figured that was as good as a ‘yes’.

Hence why, for the first hour or two of the flight, Chantelle seemed determined to pretend he wasn’t even there. In response to his attempt at breaking the silence, she muttered, “Remind me to fire Sienna.”

“You’ll do no such thing. She seems like a wonderful employee who cares about her boss.”