Chantelle chose her words carefully. “I think you both have a point. I agree that love takes time to build and nurture. I’m pretty sure that whole ‘sparks flying’ nonsense is just chemical attraction. It might get a relationship going, but it sure won’t nurture it.”

The mom smiled in triumph.

Chantelle added, “But that doesn’t mean there isn’t something to be said for sparks! And if a couple gets married, it’s probably for a valid reason. We could at least give them a chance to see that purpose through.”

“And the sex is probably awesome.” The daughter added. “All that mystery, discovering each other for the first time. Not that I would know anything about it…”

“Oh, you!” The mom smacked her daughter lightly on the arm, smiling.

Chantelle felt a brief pang of longing. A forgotten sensation that had been so prevalent in her early twenties, but which she thought she’d managed to overcome and bury. It was that same connection she had with her own mother before she’d passed away. Over the past year, Chantelle’s anger at the woman who gave birth to her had grown, especially now that she was pregnant with her own child.

The secrets her mother and Simon had kept from her and from everyone has been dominating her thoughts for the past year. In fact, she thought ironically, they were in part responsible for the predicament she found herself in right now, with Dustin and the baby.

But alas, there was nothing she could do about her mother’s betrayal except to not repeat it with her own child. Elodie Clark had been dead now for almost 10 years and couldn’t be confronted. “There’s a new episode due tomorrow night,” the daughter was saying slyly. “Do you wanna bet—”

But Chantelle never heard the rest, because just then a nurse call her name, and she raised her hand to signal she was coming. Part of her was relieved to escape from a scenario that was unearthing half-buried resentments within her, while the other was loath to leave the warm circle of light in which these two basked.

She got up and smiled politely at the duo. “Lovely talking to you. Enjoy the show tomorrow.”

The young woman gave her a light wave and grinned. “I know you’re secretly on my side, right?” Then she winked.

Chantelle gave a final, pleasant smile and hurried off.

Chapter 7

Chantelle realized she was staring at the door, and had been for several minutes. She was at her lawyer’s office, twenty-eight stories up, surrounded by grand windows that gave an impressive view of Paradisio Falls.

Today was the day she and her future husband—pretend husband, really—ironed out the details of their contract. She didn’t even want to call it a ‘marriage’, although legally, that was what it was. But this one would be in name only, a means to an end, and although she was hardly a romantic, it didn’t sit well with her to use that term. Almost as if it would disgrace all the people who entered into such partnerships with their hearts, minds and bodies.

Like her mom had.

“He’ll show,” Grady said comfortingly. “It’s only seven minutes past.”

She was sure he would: for a man in his position, a million dollars was not something to be passed up. But she was a stickler for time and hated when other people were late to meet her. She considered it appalling bad manners; after all, ten o’clock meant….

Oh, God,she chided herself.No wonder Dustin said you’re uptight.

One minute later, Grady’s admin knocked lightly on the door, and at the older man’s rumble, it opened. In walked Dustin, neatly dressed in a pressed white shirt and tie. The cuffs were buttoned down, so you could barely see the inkling of tattoos peeking out at the wrists. He was followed by a slender man who looked several years younger than Dustin. Extremely young, that it took her a second to realize that this was his lawyer.

Immediately, she deduced that the kid must be a part of a legal aid team, the kind local colleges offered to clients who couldn’t afford more seasoned lawyers. She wondered if the kid had even graduated.

By contrast, after she’d explained to Grady what she wanted, he’d turned up with two other members of his top-notch legal team, ready for battle. She had to remind him they were handling a simple prenup, not buying a high-rise in Tokyo. So he’d sent the other two back to their desks and their million-dollar deals. She was sure that between the two of them, she’d have Dustin Spencer just where she wanted him.

As it turned out, she was right. As introductions were made, she had to hide a smile.I’m going to wipe the floor with him if he tries to get out of line.

The two lawyers began to converse, and Chantelle sat back, letting Grady do his job. After all, that was what she paid him for—and handsomely. She listened with half an ear as Dustin’s lawyer flubbed and flustered his way through the conversation, almost feeling sorry for the kid. Contrasted with Grady’s knowledge, power and experience, it was like a first former at Hogwarts showing off his wand skills for the Defense Against the Dark Arts master.

She first felt and then saw Dustin’s eyes on her, and briefly wondered what was going through his mind. When their eyes locked, he looked away, turning his attention instead to his lawyer, as if silently encouraging him not to lose his mettle.

Which gave Chantelle the opportunity to examine Dustin. He’d shaved, probably even had a trim, and that gave her a clear view of the strength of his jaw and the shape of his lips. His eyes deep and dark, serious. His mouth broad… also serious. Skin tanned in a way that spoke more of outdoor runs and shooting hoops with friends rather than the farce of tanning salons or spray.

His attention was focused on every word that came from Grady’s mouth as he outlined her conditions and details of payment. Again, he insisted that the money was to go to his stepmother, in a way that couldn’t be traced back to him.

She couldn’t help but feel admiration for his desire to protect his loved ones from the details of their arrangement… surely to an outsider it would seem bizarre, if not downright insane.

She listened to Grady reiterate that half of the money would be paid to Kimberly Spencer upon their marriage, with the rest to be disbursed once the contract had been executed and the marriage dissolved. Grady quieted Dustin’s anxiety about being found out. “Young man, let me assure you: if I don’t want money being traced back to someone, it won’t be.”

And once it was all over, when the deed was done, he’d be free of her, able to go live his life, save his family, and do… whatever.