Three months later…

Nathanael had been to major events, balls and soirées all across Europe and the USA, shaking hands with royalty, dignitaries and business magnates. But none of that had ever made him as happy as the small garden party he was having now, in honor of Benjamin’s baptism.

He stood to one side, surveying the gathering. There was his best friend and business partner, Alex, slowly dancing with his baby in his arms, whirling her around until he was scared she’d get dizzy and throw up. William and his teenage daughter, Willa, were chasing each other with hunks of christening cake in their hands, each trying to smoosh frosting in the other’s face.

Willa and Alex were chosen as Benjamin’s godparents. Willa was the only girl in their immediate lives who’d completed the third sacrament as determined by the Roman Catholic church, which allowed her to undertake such a monumental role in Benjamin’s life.

His mom was holding Benjamin, who had been changed out of his white lace christening gown and was now smartly dressed in an outfit that was either meant to make him look like a panda or a black and white cow. He wasn’t sure.

Coralie caught his eye, and they smiled at each other. He was glad she was here with him, and probably would be for life. He’d flown her with them back to France the morning of the fire, without asking her any questions. Truth be told, he didn’t want to know.

Plausible deniability had its upside, he figured.

But what hedidknow was that France did not extradite its citizens when accused of crimes in the U.S., so any speculations raised in the U.S. about Tobias’s death would remain just that. Speculations.

His mother-in-law and all of Shaundra’s siblings—except Denzel, who couldn’t get off base—were present. The younger ones, Latrell and Cedric, had been running around non-stop since they arrived, whooping and exclaiming about everything. He’d arranged for his in-laws to take a two-week tour of southern France, starting the next day. They’d be able to do all thetouristingto their hearts' desire. Tamika stood next to his mother, hoping to get her turn to cuddle her nephew. Even Charisma, who was notoriously difficult to please, seemed to be in a good mood. She was flirting like crazy with one of the waiters.

Good luck to her, he figured.

William trotted up, wiping frosting from his face with a handkerchief while Willa walked away, cackling.

“How’s the cake?” Nathanael asked sardonically.


Alex walked up, setting Alicyn down so she could toddle about. “You guys see what I’m seeing?”

“What?” Nathanael and Liam said in unison.

With his chin, Alex pointed towards the wives, who were sitting in a circle and appeared to be laughing their asses off. “They’re looking at us and giggling.”

“That can’t be good,” William said.

“I’m going over there,” Nathanael decided. “Who’s with me?”

“I don’t know,” Alex said. “Sounds like a dangerous mission to me.”

Nathanael whispered back, “But we are warriors. If we walk into battle together, watch each other’s backs, we might yet survive.”

William squared his shoulders. “Just remember, a brother never leaves a brother bleeding on the field. Let’s go.”

They walked over, and immediately the women’s conversation ceased as they nudged each other into silence.

“Okay,” Nathanael demanded. “Spill it.”

Shaundra’s face was the picture of innocence. “We have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“We aren’t buying that. You ladies look guilty as all hell.”

The other two men nodded in confirmation.

“Come on. What’s so hilarious? Have all three of us been walking around with our zippers down all day?”

Naisha snorted. “As if we’d let you in front of a priest!”

“Well, what then?”