He let his hand slide farther down, to the belly that had once been so flat and lightly toned, but which was now slightly bulging, burgeoning with the life inside it. The thought that the life she was carrying had once been a part of his own body humbled him. He wanted to be a father again so badly that sometimes he could hardly contain his excitement and optimism. What an honor it will be to meet this tiny creature—and what an honor it is to know and love the woman who nurtured it now.

At his insistence, she lay back on the bed, naked in all her glory. He felt the excitement in his body, the rising desire, but took his time with her. Kissing every inch of her, over and over in an unending loop of sensuality: from her forehead to her lips to her throat, breasts, belly, thighs, and back up again, returning the way he had come. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and her breath came in soft puffs and pants.

As he pressed his lips against her warm, damp sex, she whispered his name. He flicked at her with his tongue, savoring her taste and enjoying her response. Plunged the tip of his tongue into her, over and over, until her heat intensified and her passion mounted. As soon as he felt the first reverberations of her orgasm tremble through her, he positioned himself at her apex and plunged in, burying himself deep inside. Coming home, where he belonged.

Their lovemaking was slow but intense, with every sensation being explored, every indulgence given and taken. Her sharp cries became a signal to go faster, harder, and he felt the pulse between her legs thump out a drumbeat, her muscles clenching around him. Since her pregnancy, she’d told him, her orgasms had been more intense, more immediate, longer lasting, as if her hormones had gone into overdrive. One more bonus to this already wonderful event.

He poured himself into her, enjoying the heat and stickiness of their commingled juices, and then they clung tightly, safe in each other’s arms.If Naisha’s this hot when she’s pregnant, I’d better make sure there are more babies to come,he thought, and chuckled.

“What?” she asked, looking slightly miffed. “What are you laughing at?”

He shook his head and kissed her. “Nothing, my sweet.”

This day couldn’t get any better, Naisha thought on the short drive back from the heliport. They’d woken up in that splendid hotel and made love once again, slowly and languorously. And, as had been happening since she became pregnant, her orgasms were extraordinary, as if every nerve ending in her body was wired into a pleasure machine that didn’t switch off. Hours later, the aftershock orgasms took her by surprise, stopping her where she stood with their exquisite force.

Which amused William no end.Let him laugh,Naisha thought.If pregnant sex is this good, I only hope we have many more babies.

“You’re looking at me like you’re up to something,” he remarked suspiciously. “What are you planning?”

“Oh, you’ll find out one day,” she responded airily.

A call came in via radio while they were in the chopper, which the pilot immediately put on the speaker so she and William could hear, and when an excited Madeline shared the best possible news, Naisha almost sobbed with relief.

“Liam! Naisha! Juneau just left my suite. The police have arrested this woman, this monster who threatened my grandchild. She is not Sofia’s mother, who died six years ago. She’s a childhood friend, one who was privy to the truth about Sofia and Willa. All she wanted was money,mes enfants.She never wanted our girl. It was blackmail, plain and simple. They’re going to arrest her today.”

Naisha was so excited she burst into applause. She and Liam hugged, and after Madeline assured them that she’d already given Willa the good news, they ended the call.

Everything was going to be okay.

And now, as they drove through the huge black estate gates, Naisha reached for William’s hand. Nothing could take away her happiness on this day.

He looked at her indulgently. “You good?”

She bumped him with her shoulder. “You know I am.”

“Did you have a good time in Paris?”

He was looking so smug about his organization skills that she decided she needed to take him down a peg or two. “Hmm,” she answered airily. “Good enough.”

He cocked a brow at her. “Goodenough?”

“Uh-huh.” Then, to protect his fragile male ego, she threw him a bone. “You’re not too bad at arranging surprises.”

He almost choked on the water he was sipping. “I’m not, huh?”

Why is he laughing?she wondered. And then watched as the car drove straight past the chateau and kept going.

“What the–?”

“Shhh. It’s a game. Play along.”

Perplexed, she stared out the window as they crossed the estate. A few moments later, she understood where they were headed, but still couldn’t understand why.

The pool glittered in the midday sun, bright golden sparkles dancing on the water. Oddly enough, its surface was sprinkled with flower petals. But it was the summer house that caught Naisha’s attention. The entire thing was strewn with flower garlands and hung with lanterns, even though it was still daylight. Potted plants lined the walkway, and on the small lawn, white chairs and tables had been arranged, decorated with lace and gauzy bows.

It was here that their relationship had first been consummated, and here where they sneaked away to explore each other, to love each other, over and over again that summer of their awakening.

The car stopped, and Liam helped her out. She turned around in circles, mouth slightly open, trying to make head or tail of this odd happening.